Academic Staff
Professional and administrative personnel with 1) Duties that are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA); and 2) Perform work that is primarily associated with higher education institutions or their administration.
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Academic Staff: a professional and administrative employee other than faculty with duties and types of appointments that are primarily associated with higher education institutions or their administration. Each academic staff has a principal role related to research, teaching, outreach, student services, information technology, libraries, communications, clinical/health services, or other responsibilities.
Accounting and Financial Team
Automatic Document Feeder. In a scanner device, an Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) is a feature which takes several pages and feeds the paper one page at a time into a scanner.
Reproductive procedure by which semen previously collected from sires, packaged in “straws” and frozen in liquid nitrogen is thawed and manually deposited in the uterus of a cow in estrus, in the hope of conception. Artificial insemination is a technology that allows for genetic improvement based on selection and use of superior sires.(see also Timed Artificial Insemination).
Awaiting Scientific Review
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state have been triaged by the IRB and determined to require scientific review. In this state, the Scientific Review Committee (e.g. CTRC PIR, SRC, PRMC) will review the study and indicate the outcome of their review.
BIOLOGICAL VALUE (of a protein)
A measure of protein quality. The percentage of protein in a feed which is not lost in the urine or the feces of the animal. Biological value is a reflection of the balance of amino acids available to the animal after digestion and absorption.
Blue-Collar Multi-Shift
University Staff titles that are in pay schedule 03 (e.g., custodian, food service assistant, food retail/catering leader and food production assistant) and in multiple-shift environments (e.g., first shift, second shift and third shift).
A chemical substances, such as sodium bicarbonate, that can maintain the pH of the rumen content around neutrality (pH = 6 to 7). The pH is maintained by neutralizing the volatile fatty acids and other organic acids produced by ruminal fermentation.
Capture Profile
A reusable collection of settings that simplifies entering documents into Perceptive Content imaging software. Captures profiles can set entities such as document keys, device choice, workflow queues, etc.
This is a state in ARROW. Applications in this state have been certified as not constituting human subjects research. This includes grant related applications not directly involving human subjects (e.g. protocol development activities only).
Certify Not Human Subjects Research
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the IRB staff reviewer to certify that an application does not constitute human subjects research. This activity occurs in the Pre-review state.
Glumes, husk, or other seed coverings, together with the plant parts, separated from seeds in threshing or processing.
Changes Requested - Scientific Review
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state have undergone scientific review and changes were requested by the scientific review committee. In this state, the study team can either 1) respond to the committee request so that it returns to the Awaiting Scientific Review state for additional review, or 2) withdraw the application.
City of Madison Living Wage
110% of the Federal poverty rate for a family of four.
Crafts Worker
A UW–Madison employee who is a skilled journeyman Crafts Worker, including apprentices and helpers. The classification does not include employees who are not in direct line of progression in the craft.
Crafts Worker Supervisor
Position that supervises Crafts Workers.
Device Profile
A profile that links the scanner device to Perceptive Content. Device profiles are set in scanner profiles.
DIGESTIBILITY (Coefficient of)
A measure of the proportion of a feed that is digestible. The digestibility of a nutrient is often measured as the difference between the amount of nutrient ingested minus the amount of nutrient excreted in the feces, expressed as a percentage of the nutrient ingested: 100 x (intake - excreted)/intake.
Document Lifecycle
The document lifecycle is the sequence of stages that a document goes through from its creation to its eventual archival or deletion. Proper procedures throughout the document’s lifecycle are an important part of content management.
This is a set of defined processes that help your KB Group obtain, organize, store and deliver information crucial to its operation in the most effective manner possible. The stages of a document’s lifecycle include: creation, publication (site access), categorizing (topics), keywords, metadata tagging, delivery or sharing, repurposing, review and reporting, archiving and / or deletion.
Drop fold
Drop fold is a set of multiple pages that fold together as a booklet, and are then dropped into a machine that does a right angle fold, commonly for mailing.
EAR (of corn)
The seed-bearing part of a cereal plant. An ear of corn is composed of the grains, the cob, but not the husk, which are removed during harvesting.
Emeritus Staff
Employee of the Board of Regents
All employees of UW–Madison (including University Staff). Prior to July 1 2015, classified employees were under the provisions of Wis. Stat. Chapter 230 and were still limited to the $12,000 statutory cap.
EPD Academic Staff Committee
[Department of] Employee Trust Funds:
Exempt Staff
Staff who are not subject to the overtime pay or compensatory time off provisions of federal and state wage laws.
The UW-Madison faculty consists of all persons with instructional, research and service responsibilities who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor with at least a one-half time appointment with UW-Madison, or a full-time appointment held jointly between UW-Madison and UW-Extension.
SOURCE: Faculty Policy and Procedures 1.02.A
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
A federal law that establishes labor standards for public and private sector employees. It is enforced by the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.
An animal that tests as negative but who is actually positive. The percent of false negative for a test can be calculated as 100 – SENSITIVITY.
An animal that tests as positive but who is actually negative. The percent of false positive for a test can be calculated as 100 – SPECIFICITY.
Family Member
- Employee's legal spouse
- Employee’s domestic partner as defined by UW–Madison Domestic Partnership Policy
- Children of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner (biological, adopted, step or foster child or legal ward)
- Grandchildren of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Parents of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner (biological, adopted, step or foster parent, or legal guardian of employee)
- Grandparents of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Brothers and sisters and spouses or domestic partners of the brothers and sisters of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Aunts and uncles of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Sons-in-law or daughters-in-law of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Other relatives of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner who reside in the household of the employee
1. Ester of glycerol and fatty acids. 2. Organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but as opposed to the carbohydrates, fats have a ratio of hydrogen to oxygen well above 2:1. Fats, as opposed to oils, are solids at room temperature and usually are of animal origin.
A chain of carbon terminated by an acid (carboxyl) group (COOH). Fatty acids with less than 4 carbon units are volatile. Fatty acids with 5 to 20 carbon units are usually found as part of fats and oils.
FCOI (Financial Conflict of Interest)
A Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) is a significant financial interest in an entity that could directly and significantly affect the design, conduct, or reporting of federally-funded or human subjects research.
FCS is a term for fold / collate / staple — the act of saddle stitching a booklet.
FERMENTATION (in the rumen)
The transformation of carbohydrates in absence of oxygen by rumen micro flora that produces volatile fatty acids such as acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid, and gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4).
The unborn young.
FIBER (dietary)
Nutrient of low energy density present in large quantities in forages. Fiber is composed of structural carbohydrates (cellulose and hemicellulose) and phenolic compounds. Fiber is important for dairy cows because they stimulate rumination and promote a healthy rumen environment for bacterial growth. However, in large amounts in the diet, fiber may fill the rumen, limit intake of energy and constrain milk production.
Hemicellulose and cellulose that can be quantify by the neutral detergent fiber procedure.
Flush cut
cut to the edge
strong, styrofoam-like board that printed material is mounted to
Coarse feeds, such as straw, corn or sorghum stalks.
bindery term, one or more intentional creases in the paper
A font is a set of printable or displayable text characters in a specific style and size.
Food Desert
This term was defined by Congress in 2008 as an area in the USA with limited access to affordable and nutritious food, particularly such an area composed of predominantly lower income neighborhoods and communities
Food Insecurity
The USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) defines food insecurity as a household characteristic. Food insecure households are those for which “consistent access to adequate food is limited by a lack of money and other resources at times during the year” (See more at: USDA-ERS).
Food Insecurity
The state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. During the first decade of this century, more than 800 million people live every day with hunger or food insecurity as their constant companion (see also National Academy of Science definitions).
Food Loss
Food losses refer to the decrease in edible food mass throughout the part of the supply chain that specifically leads to edible food for human consumption. Food losses take place at production, post-harvest and processing stages in the food supply chain. Food losses occurring at the end of the food chain (retail and final consumption) are rather called “food waste”, which relates to retailers’ and consumers’ behavior.
Food Security
Food security exists “when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life.” According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the three pillars of food security are: availability, access and (safe) utilization. In addition you can learn about the four dimensions of food insecurity at the FAO website.
Food Waste
Food waste is a component of food loss and occurs when an edible item goes unconsumed as a result of human action or inaction, such as food discarded by retailers as a result of appearance or plate waste by consumers.
Feed that stimulate rumination due to their long particle size and their high content in fiber. Generally, forages are composed of the leaves and stems (stalk of plants. The bacterial population of the rumen allows the ruminant to digest forages.
Usually expressed as two percentages. The percentage of ration dry matter that is made up of forage and the percentage of ration dry matter that is composed of concentrates. The two total 100. For example a 50:50 forage to concentrate ratio means that a cow eating 20 kg of dry matter of that ration would eat 10 kg of concentrate dry matter and 10 kg of forage dry matter.
Forward to Archive
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the IRB to move a study to the archived state.
Free/busy is a determination of whether there is a calendar event in a given time slot. Free designates time slots without events and busy designates time slots that are taken up in a person's calendar. Any account within Microsoft 365 will have the ability to view free/busy information against any other Office 365 account. Note: an event can be set to show as busy or free.
Is a polymer of fructose molecules generally, but not always, found as "carbohydrate storage in cool season grasses (C3 plants). Tall fescue and perennial ryegrass tend to have the highest levels of fructans when compared to other grasses under the same conditions. Fructan is stored in vacuoles inside cells throughout the plant where it is readily available as needed. In some species of grass the lower part of the stem is a carbohydrate storage organ.
A sweet sugar occurring in many fruits and honey.
Full-time equivalent. A way of counting the number of staff or positions.
FTE (Full Time Equivalent) and Headcount
There are two basic ways that we count the number of employees. When we use headcount, each individual person counts as one employee whether their appointment is full time or part time. When we use "FTE," we are using the "Full Time Equivalent."
The Full Time Equivalent is the total of all positions using the percentage of the appointment rather than the number of individual employees. This is what the headcount looks like for the same employees using each measure:
Employee A - .5 appointment
Employee B - 1.0 appointment
Employee C - .6 appointment
Employee D - .4 appointment
Using Headcount, there are 4 employees
Using FTE, there are 2.5 employees (.5 + 1 + .6 + .4 = 2.5)
Full Mailbox Permissions
Full mailbox permissions can be assigned between any two accounts within UW-Madison's Office 365 environment.
What can I do with full mailbox permissions? | What can't I do with full mailbox permissions? |
* To send emails, you will either need 'send as' or 'send on-behalf' of permissions.
Note: Service accounts have the capability of having delegates linked to them. If linking is used, the delegate will automatically be assigned 'full mailbox' and 'send as' permissions.
See how to manage full mailbox permissions for an account for further details.
stands for Graphics Interchange Format. The GIF uses the 2D raster data type and is encoded in binary. GIF files ordinarily have the .gif extension.
Gloss finish
shiny, reflective, smooth finish on paper or laminate
Greenhouse Gas Effect
Heat trapping effect of greenhouse gases in the troposphere (lowest portion of the earth's atmosphere)
converting a continuous tone to dots for printing
A young female cow that has not yet given birth to a calf.
Hold for Scheduling: Ancillary Committee Review Pending
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state cannot be scheduled for an IRB meeting until the Ancillary Committee Review decision has been entered into the system.
Hold IRB Review - Submission of Reportable Event Pending
This is a state in ARROW. In this state, continuing and change applications are being held until a reportable event has been submitted by the study team. Once the reportable event has been submitted, the continuing or change will transition back to the pre-review state.
I-9 Form
Federal form that proves employment eligibility that must be completed by all new employees. UW-Madison completes their I-9s electronically using HireRight.
Immediate Family Member
Includes an employee's spouse, parents and children; an employee's and employee's spouse's immediate family members, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters and their spouses; children over the age of 18 and their spouses; and any other relative who resides in the same household as the employee.
Industrial Refrigeration Center (IRC)
The arrangement of flowers on a stalk that characterizes a plant species.
IRB Member Modification Review
This is a state in ARROW in which an IRB member can conduct a review of a modification response by the study team upon the request of an IRB staff reviewer. In this state, the IRB member can submit modification review notes regarding their assessment of the modification response. Then the IRB staff reviewer forwards the submission back to IRB Review of Modification Response.
IRB Review of Modification Response
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state were previously reviewed by the IRB and modifications were requested. The response from the study team requires review by the IRB to determine whether the study team has adequately addressed the IRB's requests. In this state, the IRB staff reviewer can send the modification response to an IRB member or schedule it for review at a full meeting.
L&S Majors, Certificates, and Degrees
The official lists of majors, certificates, and degrees offered in Letters & Science are available on-line:
- The Guide provides a comprehensive list of undergraduate majors, special degree programs, certificates, and concentrations organized by the respective school or college that offers the academic program.
- The Guide also provides a comprehensive list of graduate degrees, minors, and certificates. The information is organized alphabetically for all university programs.
The termination of service of a permanent employee based on a lack of funding, an organizational change, or a shortage of work.
Layoff Group
A group of employees in a single title from which the layoff will be made. The layoff group will generally include all employees in a particular operational area that are in similar, although not necessarily identical, titles, pay ranges and/or functions.
Layoff Status
The period starting with the effective date of the layoff and ending with the revocation of the employee’s mandatory placement rights or upon reemployment at UW–Madison.
Structure, usually flat and green that grows from a stem or stalk of a plant and is responsible for photosynthesis.
Life Cycle Assessment
LCA addresses the environmental aspects and potential environmental impacts (e.g. use of resources and the environmental consequences of releases) throughout a product's life cycle from raw material acquisition through production, use, end-of-life treatment, recycling and final disposal (i.e. cradle-to-grave). There are four phases in an LCA study: a) the goal and scope definition phase, b) the inventory analysis phase, c) the impact assessment phase, and d) the interpretation phase (ISO 2006).
Light (Modified) Duty
When an employee’s doctor or treating specialist has identified work restrictions, the university may offer the employee light or modified duty work. Light or modified duty work is defined as less physically demanding duties until the employee has reached end of healing, or is able to return to their previous position with or without restrictions
Matte finish
dull paper, ink, or laminate finish
MFA-Duo (multi-factor authentication)
Multi-factor authentication is part of the new UW–Madison login process that verifies your identity. It combines something you know (your NetID and password) with something you have (smartphone, token/fob or tablet) preventing anyone but you from logging into a system. UW-Madison has partnered with Duo to provide this service.
You will now need to log in by:
Entering your NetID and password, and
Confirming your login with the Duo app on your device.
Microsoft 365 (Email and Calendaring System)
Office 365 is a cloud-based service provided by Microsoft. To see what features are available in UW-Madison's implementation, check here: Microsoft 365 - What features are included in Microsoft 365?
Microsoft 365 Account
The location in the Office 365 system where your email, calendar, task list, and address book are stored. Each Office 365 account has one primary address, but can have many alternate addresses.
Microsoft 365 Transition Website
Located at, the Office 365 Transition Website is the first stop for those who are interested to know more about the transition. It provides general info on everything from the project history and the business case to the Office 365 Team roster and announcements to campus.
Microsoft 365 Video
Office 365 Video is an intranet website portal where people can post and view videos. It's a streaming video service that's available with SharePoint Online in Office 365. It's a great place to share videos of executive communications or recordings of classes, meetings, presentations, or training sessions, for example. Office 365 Video displays a thumbnail image of each video on the site. You just select a thumbnail to view a particular video.
Condition that occurs immediately or within the first day after calving. The cow has cold ears and a dry muzzle. This condition is due to a calcium imbalance. As opposed to what the name implies, there is no "fever", but rather a paralysis of the limbs.
Modfications Requested
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state have gone to an IRB meeting and IRB modifications have been sent to the study team. Study teams must submit a response to the modifications before the study can move on from this state.
The amount of energy in a feed which is available for milk production and body maintenance. Feeds generally are similar in total energy content but vary widely in the proportion of the total energy which is available for maintenance and milk production. The remainder of the energy in the feed is lost in the feces urine, gas belched form the rumen and excess heat production by the cow. In the cow, it takes 0.74 Mcal NEl to produce 1 kg of milk containing 4% fat and the net energy content of most feed range from 0.9 to 2.2 Mcal NEl per kg dry matter.
A measure of the amount of cell wall in a feed determined by a laboratory procedure. Neutral detergent fiber includes cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.
New Full Change
This is an activity available to study teams for all studies in the Approved state. This allows study teams to initiate a new change of protocol.
Carbohydrates that are not part of the neutral detergent fiber, but generally accumulate in the plant as energy reserve (e.g., starch). These carbohydrates usually are more rapidly and more completely digested than the fibrous carbohydrates (syn Non-structural carbohydrate).
Nonexempt Staff
Staff eligible for overtime pay or compensatory time off according to federal and state law.
Nonexempt Staff
Staff eligible for overtime pay or compensatory time off according to federal and state law.
Office Online
Office Online (previously Office Web Apps) is an online office suite offered by Microsoft as a part of Office 365, which allows users to create and edit files using lightweight, web browser-based versions of Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. The offering also includes Outlook, People, Calendar and OneDrive for Business, all of which are accessible from a unified app switcher (Outlook on the web).
Offline Data File (OST)
Typically, when you use a Microsoft Exchange Server account (Office 365 account), your email messages, calendar, and other items are delivered to and saved on the server. You can configure Outlook to keep a local copy of your items on your computer in an Outlook data file that is named an offline Outlook Data File (.ost). This allows you to use Cached Exchange Mode or to work offline when a connection to the Office 365 (Exchange) computer may not be possible or wanted. The .ost file is synchronized with the Office 365 (Exchange) computer when a connection is available.
Offset Paper
term for uncoated paper
using an intermediate surface to transfer ink. This also occurs when images of freshly printed sheets transfer images to each other
OneDrive for Business
OneDrive for Business is Office 365's file hosting service. It allows users to upload and sync files to a cloud storage and then access them from a web browser or their local device.
Outlook 2016 for Mac
Microsoft Outlook 2016 for Mac is an email and calendar client that's available as part of Microsoft's Office suite. It is the latest version of Outlook for the Mac OS and can be used to manage email, calendar, contacts, and more.
Outlook Profile
A profile is what Outlook desktop client uses to remember the e-mail accounts and the settings that tell Outlook which account(s) to connect to and where your e-mail is stored.
Payment for Environmental Services (PES)
Payments to farmers or landowners who have agreed to take certain actions to manage their land or watersheds to provide an ecological service. As the payments provide incentives to land owners and managers, PES is a market-based mechanism, similar to subsidies and taxes, to encourage the conservation of natural resources.
Perf (Perforation)
a series of small cuts at regular intervals usually made to help a sheet tear apart evenly
Perfect bind
type of binding that uses glue on the spine of the sheets to adhere a cover to the sheets, like a phone book
see page 14, job F141491 for example
Personal Folders File (PST)
A Personal Folders file (.pst) is an Outlook data file that stores your messages and other items on your computer. This is the most common file in which information in Outlook is saved by home users or in small organizations. Learn more.
Point of Contact (POC)
The point of contact on a study has the capacity to edit the application and can also submit to the IRB on behalf of the PI. There may four point of contacts assigned to a study and only the PI and the POCs can submit directly to the IRB.
Right-Angle fold
two folds at right angles to each other
Salesforce Lookup field
Scanner Profile
A reuseable collection of settings that defines scanner parameters. A scanner profile sets things like DPI (dots per inch) and Simplex (single-side) /Duplex (double-sided) on scans. Scanner profiles are located and set in capture profiles.
Scientific Review
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state must undergo review by the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research Scientific Review Committee (ICTR SRC), the UW Cancer Center Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee (PRMC) or the Clinical and Translational Research Core Protocol Implementation Review (CTRC PIR) before moving on to the IRB Pre-Review state.
Self cover
a cover of the same paper as inside text pages
Send On Behalf Of
In Office 365, this permission allows a delegate to use this mailbox to send messages. However, after this permission is assigned to a delegate, the From address in any message sent by the delegate indicates that the message was sent by the delegate on behalf of the mailbox owner.
Sifting and Winnowing
The phrase "sifting and winnowing" refers to UW-Madison's historic tradition of defense of intellectual and academic freedom. The words are taken from an 1894 report of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and were originally used to explain the board's refusal to censure a professor accused of socialist and pro-union activity. The words are mounted on a plaque on the front of Bascom Hall:
Significant Financial Interest (SFI)
A Significant Financial Interest means any financial interests held by an investigator (and/or his or her immediate family), or by a business entity controlled or directed by the investigator or a member of his or her immediate family, that has monetary value, whether or not the value is readily ascertainable, including:
- Remuneration (e.g. salary, consulting fees, honoraria, paid authorship, etc.) received from a publicly traded entity in the twelve months preceding disclosure, and the value of any equity interest (stock, stock option, or other ownership interest) in the entity at the date of disclosure that, when aggregated, exceed $5,000
- Remuneration, (e.g. salary, consulting fees, honoraria, paid authorship, etc.) received from a non-publicly traded entity of greater than $5,000 in the twelve months preceding the disclosure
- Any equity interest (e,g. stock, stock option, or other ownership interest) in a non-publicly traded entity
- Royalty income from intellectual property rights not arising out of university employment, which are not assigned to organizations created to manage such rights on behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (WARF)
- Reimbursed or sponsored travel related to institutional responsibilities that is not reimbursed or sponsored by a government agency, a U.S. university, an academic teaching hospital, a medical center, or a research institute that is affiliated with a U.S. university
- Service in positions with fiduciary responsibility , including senior managers (e.g. presidents, vice presidents, etc.) and members of boards of directors, whether or not the investigator receives compensation for such service.
Significant financial interests do not include the following:
- Salary, royalties, or other remuneration received from UW-Madison, the University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation, or the VA
- Royalty income from intellectual property rights arising out of UW-Madison employment that are assigned to organizations created to manage such rights on behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (WARF)
- Income from investment vehicles, such as mutual funds and retirement accounts, as long as the investigator does not control the investment decisions made in these vehicles
- Income from seminars, lectures, or teaching engagements sponsored by a domestic government agency, a university, an academic teaching hospital, a medical center, or a research institute that is affiliated with a university
- Income from service on advisory committees or review panels for a domestic government agency, a university, an academic teaching hospital, a medical center, or a research institute that is affiliated with a university
- Travel related to institutional responsibilities that is reimbursed or sponsored by a domestic government agency, a university, an academic teaching hospital, a medical center, or a research institute that is affiliated with a university.
The probability that a test is negative, given that the animal does not have the disease (see also sensitivity).
State of Wisconsin Adjusted Continuous Service
All time employed by the State of Wisconsin in either the Unclassified, Classified or University staff service in a permanent capacity, adjusted for breaks in service, shall be counted in determining an employee’s length of continuous service. This excludes time served as a Limited Term or Project Employee.
A calf born dead or that dies within 48 hours of birth.
Submit Deferral Response
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to submit a deferral response to the IRB. Once the PI or POC submits the deferral response, the submission transitions back to the IRB Pre-Review state.
Submit Modification Response
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to submit their modification response to the IRB. Once the PI or POC submits their modification response, the submission transitions to the IRB Review of Modification Response state.
Submit Modification Review Notes
Review state to the IRB Review of Modification Response state once the assigned IRB member(s) has completed their review.
A word that, while initially may sound atrocious, does have the commonly observed effect of making one appear quite precocious, provided one vocalizes it strongly.
Sustainable Intensification
Narrowly defined, SI refers to increase food production from existing farmland in ways that place far less pressure on the environment and that do not undermine our capacity to continue producing food in the future. However, Garnett et al. (2013) added the following four premises underlying SI: (a) The need to increase production; (b) Increase production must be met through higher yields because increasing the area of land in agriculture carries major environmental costs; (c) Food security requires as much attention to increasing environmental sustainability as to raising productivity; and (d) SI denotes a goal but does not specify a priori how it should be attained or which agricultural techniques to deploy.
Method of AI breeding in which the timing of artificial insemination (AI) is based on a hormonal protocol that synchronizes the timing of ovulation. This is in contrast to timing insemination based on direct or indirect detection of estrous behavior. Hormonal protocols for Timed AI were developed in 1995 and have been widely adopted by dairy producers for reproductive management.
Usually refers to feeding insufficient energy.
Unit of Mass in Metric System
petagram (Pg)
(Million Metric Tons or Megatonnes) 1x1012
teragram (Tg)
(Thousand Metric Tons) 1x109
gigagram (Gg)
(Metric Ton) 1x106
megagram (Mg)
kilogram (Kg)
hectogram (Hg)
decagram (Dg)
0.1 10-1
decigram (dg)
0.01 10-2
centigram (cg)
0.001 10-3
milligram (mg)
0.000,001 10-6
microgram (µg)
0.000,000,001 10-9
nanogram (ng)
0.000,000,000,001 10-12
picogram (pg)
0.000,000,000,000,001 10-15
femtogram (fp)
University Staff
University Staff
University staff positions focus primarily on supporting education, research, and the campus infrastructure. If a position involves functions that are similar in nature to other positions in Wisconsin state government, the position is university staff. These positions include accountants, administrative support associates, nurses, microbiologists, and custodians.
SOURCE: Office of Human Resources
Fat containing fatty acids that can accept hydrogen atoms to saturate their structure (e.g., oleic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids).
View Differences
This is an activity in ARROW that allows IRB staff, IRB members, and study teams to view differences between versions of the submitted smartform application. For example, if a study team made changes to the initial review application as a result of IRB Pre-Review and submitted those change to the IRB, a new version of the application is tracked. The study team and the IRB staff can easily view the differences between the old and new version of the application by using this activity button.
Products of fermentation of carbohydrates (and some amino acids) by the rumen microorganisms. Acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid are the primary volatile fatty acids which are absorbed through the rumen wall and used as an energy source by the cow.
W-9 Form
Web Conference
A workflow is a series of activities/steps that are necessary to complete a task. Each step in a workflow has a specific step before it and a specific step after it, with the exception of the first and last steps. In a linear workflow, the first step is usually initiated by an outside event. If the workflow has a loop structure, however, the first step is initiated by the completion of the last step. Example workflow: A shared conference room needs to be managed on a first-come-first-served basis. Assigned users would be able to reserve the conference room if it is available. Otherwise, the invitation will be declined automatically by the resource calendar.
A set of customizable queues that documents can optionally be sent to once entered into the Imaging Service.
Workflow lets you route a document through a business process from start to finish with a customizable set of options.