KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Left Navigation Bar Links
Create a Doc
This link opens the form where you create a new document. Click here more information about creating a new document.
Create a Doc from...
This link displays a list of templates that you and your users have created in your own KB space. A template is a document with it's "Type" field set to Template. Clicking on the Save As button on the far right of the table saves a new document using the template with a pre-assigned Document ID number. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Creating and Using Templates for more information about creating templates and using templates to create new KB documents.
Note: If you click on the Template Title, the template will open in Read-only mode. Clicking on the Edit button will allow you to edit the template. Please be mindful not to overwrite the template from here.
Request a Doc from...
This link displays a list of documents owned by other KB Spaces that you can share in to your own KB Space. Sharing a document into your KB space makes it be visible on your Live site(s).
Clicking on the Request button opens a form to send an email requesting the sharing of the document, which will go to the owner of the document as well as the group's primary admin(s). In the email, you will have space to explain why you are requesting the document and to specify whether you want the document to appear on your internal/ or external space.
At the bottom of the Request Documents from Other Groups screen you will see a Save .CSV button which provides a convenient way for you to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down is a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that screen. This is useful if you need to request a large number of documents, in which case, you can copy the list of documents and manually compose an email with the request. If you are unsure who to contact with your request, you can find the admin of the owning group space under Settings > Group Spaces.
Recycle a Doc...
KB Admins can click on this link and yield a "recycled" document in edit mode with the status of In Progress. This document will have a Document ID number assigned to it, the DocID it had before it was recycled. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Comments and Events, to see the past log entries. From here, you may create an entirely new document. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Purging Content in Trash Queue Documents to learn how to purge a deleted document and make it available for recycling.
Create a Glossary Item
This link opens a form where new glossary items are created. A glossary item is a document with its "Type" field set to Glossary. The glossary creation/edit form has three required fields: "Term", "Keywords" and "Body". See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Glossary and Glossary Items for more information about creating and using Glossary items.
This link displays all documents that are in the status of Active. The list of documents can be filtered by the dropdown menus and check boxes listed above the table. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting for more information about using the filters to search for specific Active documents. A Save .CSV button is found at the bottom right of the page which provides a convenient way to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down on the screen is a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that screen.
In Review
This link displays all documents that are in the status of In Review. The list of documents can be filtered by the dropdown menus and check boxes listed above the table. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting for more information about using the filters to search for specific In Review documents. A Save .CSV button is found at the bottom right of the page which provides a convenient way to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down on the screen is a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that screen.
In Progress
This link displays all documents that are in the status of In Progress. The list of documents can be filtered by the dropdown menus and check boxes listed above the table. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting for more information about using the filters to search for specific In Progress documents. A Save .CSV button is found at the bottom right of the page which provides a convenient way to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down on the screen is a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that screen.
This link displays all documents that are in the status of Inactive. The list of documents can be filtered by the dropdown menus and check boxes listed above the table. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting for more information about using the filters to search for specific Inactive documents. A Save .CSV button is found at the bottom right of the page which provides a convenient way to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down on the screen is a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that screen.
This link displays all documents that are designated as Trash. The list of documents can be filtered by the dropdown menus and check boxes listed above the table. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting for more information about using the filters to search for Trash documents. A Save .CSV button is found at the bottom right of the page which provides a convenient way to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down on the screen is a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that screen. You will also see a Purge button that will permanently delete the content of a document. Please use this button with much care. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Changing a Document's Status to "Deleted" for more information on how to move your documents to the Trash queue.
This link displays all expired documents in your KB. As all documents have an expiration date, any document with an expiration date in the past will be listed on this screen. Additionally, the list of documents can be filtered by keywords, search/ priority, topic, status, type, group, owner, site and blog/relevance/topics col. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting for more information about using the filters to search for Expired documents. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a Save .CSV button which provides a convenient way for you to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down the screen, you'll find a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that screen.
This link displays all expiring documents of your KB. All documents have an expiration date. This link has an "Expire within" filter allowing documents to be viewed and filtered by expiration date. The "Expire within" drop down filter defaults to 1 week but can be set by the user anywhere between 1 and 52 weeks. In addition to expiration time frame, the list of documents can be filtered by keywords, search/ priority, topic, status, type, group, owner, site and blog/relevance/ topics col. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting for more information about using the filters to search for Expiring documents. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a Save .CSV button which provides a convenient way for you to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down, you'll find a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that page.
This link displays documents in your KB which may soon need to be reviewed. Aging documents are typically included in the automated monthly review reminders. In addition to last reviewed time frame, the list of documents can be filtered by Document ID, Search term, Keywords/fts (full text search), Search Priority, Topic, Audience, Status, Type, Group, Owner, Site, CampusAccess, Relevance, Blog and Limit. There are also check boxes that you can check/uncheck to customize your view of the results. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting for more information about using the filters to search for Aging documents. From this screen, you may select one, a few or all and click on the Mark As Reviewed button. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a Save .CSV button which provides a convenient way for you to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down, you'll find a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that page.
Review Reminder
This link opens a form where you can selectively send out document review reminders to document owners. Only admins with "Publish" rights have access to "Review Reminder." For all other users this link will be grayed out. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Manually Sending Review Reminders for more information about sending Review Reminders.
This link displays documents that have WriteAccess and/or ReadAccess restriction by user access lists. The list of documents can be filtered by keywords, FTS (full text search), WriteAccess, ReadAccess, Status, and Owner. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting for more information about using the filters to search for Restricted documents.
This link will lead you to the Shared-out Documents screen. This screen will display all the documents you are sharing with other KB spaces (e.g. document(s) on your KB Space that can be viewed on another internal and/or external KB Group Space). See the Shared with field to see the specific KB space names who are sharing your documents. After your Group Admin sets up a group relationship with another KB space, the internal/ or external site of that Group Space can be selected when editing your document, subsequently allowing your KB document to appear on that KB Group Space's live site.
The list of documents can be filtered by DocumentID, Search tern, keywords, search/ priority, topic, status, type, group, owner, site, CampusAccess, Relevance, Blog and Limit. You may also customize the columns that display. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a Save .CSV button which provides a convenient way for you to quickly export the data on that screen. Further down, you'll find a list of comma delimited document ID numbers in gray of the documents displayed on that page.
This link allows you to share individual documents with individual users who can not authenticate into the KB system. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Shared-private (Privately Shared Docs) for more information about sharing documents with people who do not have access to the KB.
Share Requests
This link displays the Document Share Requests from Other KB Groups screen. The drop down menu allows you to see your Pending. Approved, Declined, Deactivated and All requests made. From this screen you can see the DocID, Title of the document, status, requester group and email and a checkbox where you can take action.
This link displays all ideas for new documents that have been submitted to your KB. The list of suggestions can be filtered via the Status drop down list. You may select to see User Suggestions that set to; Pending, Adopted, Ignored and All status. See KB User's Guide - Live Sites - Suggest a Document Link for more information on making and following up on suggestions. To remove the Suggest a document link from your site see How to disable Suggest a Document links.
Visitors to your KB site may send a sitewide/ general feedback OR they may send a document specific feedback by using the Comment button at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on this link will lead you to the User Feedback table that will display all the feedback the site has received, a table in the KB Admin Toolswith feedback that displays the docID that has received feedback. You may click on the Action button at the right of the screen and select Pending, Adopted, Ignored and All status. For more details on Feedback, please see KB User's Guide - General Info - Site-Level Vs. Document-Level Feedback
Batch Update
This link allows you to update the following fields: Title, Search priority, Page header, Page footer, Keywords, Summary, Body, InternalNote, SeeAlso, Type, Topics, Audiences, WriteAccess, ReadAccess, SiteAccess, CampusAccess, Relevance, Status, Activation (incl. future activation), Expiration, Owner, FeedbackTo, MiscOptions and JavaScript/CSS of selected documents within the current group space. A comment about the intention of the Batch Update is required before it can be executed. The comment will appear in the Comments and Events section of the document. Only admins with "Publish" rights have access to Batch Transfer. For all other users this link will be grayed out. See [Link for document 8532 is unavailable at this time] for more information about the Batch Update functionality.
Batch Access Change
The Batch Access Change allows you to update the WriteAccess, ReadAccess, SiteAccess, CampusAccess, Relevance, Status and Expiration. You may enter one or multiple documents in the DocID field. For more information, please see KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Batch Access Change .
Batch Transfer
This link allows you to update the following fields within your own KB site: Current Topics, Current ReadAccess, Current SiteAccess. KB admins can also transfer selected documents within the current group space to a New Group Space. You may also share selected documents with another group space, or transfer (ownership of) selected documents to another group space. Only admins with "Publish" rights have access to Batch Transfer. For all other users this link will be grayed out. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Batch Transfer for more information about Batch Transfer functionality.
Find & Replace
This link allows you to find a string and replace it with another string in specified documents. Only admins with "Publish" rights have access to "Find & Replace." For all other users this link will be grayed out. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Find & Replace Text for more information about the Find & Replace functionality. Please use much caution when using this feature.
Import & Export
This link allows you to import or export all active documents that are available to your KB to your desktop. Only admins with "Publish" right have access to Import & Export. For all other users this link will be grayed out. See KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Import & Export for more information about the Import & Export functionality.
Broken Links
This link allows you to quickly and easily identify hyperlinks in your KB documents that have been updated and subsequently broken since document activation. See [Link for document 15406 is unavailable at this time] for more information about the Broken Links functionality.
Unique Keywords
This link displays unique keywords of all documents in your KB. See KB User's Guide - Unique Keywords for more information about the broken links function.
Shared Attachments
This link opens the Shared Attachments folder for your group in a pop up window. Documents uploaded to the Shared Attachments folder can be used in any document on your KB site. The Shared Attachment folder can also be accessed on the document edit screen in the Attachments section.