Bio-ARROW - SmartForm - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

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The use of PPE in various environments requires careful risk assessment. Biological materials and procedure hazards are assessed, and PPE is specified based on the mitigation needs identified.  

This section is for describing the personal protective equipment (PPE) that will be used in the laboratory, in animal procedures/housing areas, and areas where work with plants is performed. This page offers flexibility and allows you to have multiple entries based on location, agent, and/or activity. You may check as many different types of PPE as necessary. PPE types that are always worn together can be listed together. If you check two conditions (e.g., Worn when working with specific agent(s); Worn during a specific activity) please also add information in the PPE Explain section to specify if the PPE is either worn with the agent or during the specific activity or is the PPE used when both the activities and agent are used.


The sections are filled out for all biological materials, locations, and procedures described on this biosafety protocol.

Please note that responses are not required in all sections of the table.


PPE – Animal

Numerous risks may be present when animals are used in studies of microorganisms and PPE that protects against the biological hazards needs to be worn. PPE commonly worn when working with animals includes the use of a lab coat, gloves, and eye protection if handling animals and their bedding. Respiratory protection may be recommended when specific activities present a concern.


PPE for all persons (e.g., laboratory personnel, animal care staff) performing animal care and handling activities should be listed in this section.



PPE Type

PPE Type - Other

PPE When Used/Worn

Animal Species

Biological Materials


PPE Explain

Eye protection
Disposable lab coat or gown
Disposable gloves - single layer


Worn during animal husbandry (animals administered biologicals), Worn during cage changes (animals administered biologicals)

Mice, Rats

Microbe X


Tyvek coveralls
Disposable gloves - double layer
Eye protection
Reusable lab coat
Disposable shoe covers
N95/N100 respirator, Other

Hair cover

 Worn during animal necropsy, organ harvest, or tissue collection (animals administered biologicals)


NHP cells

Building C, room 123

Eye protection
Reusable lab coat or gown
Disposable gloves - single layer


Worn during activities related to naïve animals, Worn during animal surgery









PPE – Plant

Plant facilities provide a modified and protected environment for the propagation of plants and microorganisms associated with the plants and a degree of containment that adequately controls the potential for release of biologically viable plants, plant parts, plant materials, and microorganisms associated with them. Often, procedures include the use of PPE.

PPE for all persons (e.g., laboratory personnel, greenhouse staff) performing plant care and handling activities should be listed in this section.





PPE Type

PPE Type - Other

PPE When Used/Worn

Plant Species

Biological Materials


PPE Explain


Disposable gloves - single layer, Disposable lab coat or gown, Eye protection

Worn during planting (seed, plant)

Arabidopsis thaliana


Room 214

Disposable gloves - single layer, Disposable lab coat or gown, Eye protection, Disposable shoe covers
Tyvek sleeves

Worn during plant inoculations with biologicals, Worn during pot or soil changes (plants administered biologicals)

Brachypodium distachyon 

Microbe A

Greenhouse A, Greenhouse B



PPE – General

Please list the PPE used for work with biological materials. PPE specified in the exposure control section of your chemical hygiene plan or for use only with radiological materials does not need to be listed here. 


Core protocols will define the PPE required for entry or activities and you do not need to add information on PPE for core facilities.


PPE specified in the spill protocol does not need to be listed here. 



PPE Type

PPE Type - Other

When Worn


Working With

During Activities

Worn - Other

PPE Explain

Reusable lab coat, Disposable gloves, Eye protection

 Always worn in laboratory






N95/N100 respirator


Worn during specific activities



When working with RG2 agents outside containment





Eye protection, Disposable gloves - double layer, Disposable lab coat or gown


Worn in specific locations

Worn in room 215







Still have questions? Call the Office of Biological Safety (OBS) at 608-263-2037. We are happy to assist you.

PPE, Personal Protective Equipment, gloves, lab coat 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Tara S. in ARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee
ARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee