Bio-ARROW - Registered Protocols - Change Grant or Personnel

Bio-ARROW help

Read/Write personnel can begin and submit a Grant/Personnel change (GP).  Go to the protocol workspace for the protocol you wish to change.  The protocol must be registered (approved) before you can begin a GP.  On the left side task bar select Create Grant/Personnel Change:

Create Grant

Once selected, you will be directed to the page below.  Select Finish to proceed into the Grant/Personnel change process:



The system will then begin to make a copy of your protocol.  This may take several minutes depending on the system traffic.  Do NOT navigate away from this page while this is in progress.

When it is finished, the Grant/Personnel change workspace will open:

Grant 1


The Grant/Personnel change will be given a working designation of “GP” in the protocol number (i.e. B00000036-GP001) until it is approved.  You may only have one Grant/Personnel change open at a time for a protocol. 

If you are not directed to the Grant/Personnel change workspace, you can locate it at your ARROW My Home page.  The Grant/Personnel change will be in your biosafety inbox.

To make changes to the grant funding and personnel sections, select Edit Grant or Personnel.

Grant 2


Please note: If you wish to modify other parts of the protocol, you must initiate an Amendment/Renewal or AM.  A Grant/Personnel change cannot be used to modify parts of the protocol other than grant funding or personnel.

Grant/Personnel changes are submitted the same as a protocol, by selecting the Submit button within the protocol workspace. 

Once the Grant/personnel change is approved it will be saved as the full protocol and will return to its original protocol number (i.e. B00000036).  All personnel listed on a biosafety protocol must complete required trainings before the grant/personnel change can be approved.

Still have questions? Call the Office of Biological Safety (OBS) at 608-263-2037. We are happy to help you.

Keywordschange grant, change personnel   Doc ID43363
OwnerTara S.GroupARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee
Created2014-09-02 15:44:25Updated2023-11-06 12:30:44
SitesARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee
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