Topics Map > Funding > Student Services Finance Committee (SSFC)

Acronyms Common to GSSF

Last updated 11/20/2020
Below are commonly used acronyms that may be relevant to the General Student Services Fund:

Student Government
ASMAssociated Students of Madison 
GAC Grant Allocations Committee
GSSF General Student Services Fund 
RSO Registered Student Organization 
SAC Student Activity Center
SACGB Student Activity Center Governing Board 
SEC Student Election Commission 
SJ Student Judiciary 
SSFC Student Services Finance Committee 
STB Student Transportation Board 

GSSF Organizations - Current FY21 (these acronyms may be used by the organization or internally by ASM)

Non-Allocable Segregated Fee Funded Units
 BPP Bus Pass Program 
 CCTAP Child Care Tuition Assistance Program 
 GUTS Greater University Tutoring Services 
 RecWell University Recreation and Wellbeing 
 UHS University Health Services 
 Unions Wisconsin Union 
 WSUM Campus Radio - 91.7 FM Madison Student Radio 

If you have heard an acronym not represented here that you feel is relevant, please email the ASM Funding Advisor.

KeywordsGSSF, General Student Services Fund, Acronyms, Common GSSF Acronyms   Doc ID107349
OwnerKelly K.GroupAssociated Students of Madison
Created2020-11-20 16:20:45Updated2020-11-20 16:30:07
SitesAssociated Students of Madison
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