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Library Mall Redevelopment Project - Core Advisory Team (CT)

Committee Description

The Library Mall Redevelopment Project looks to integrate this last piece of public civic space into the overall East Campus Mall development. We are looking for an ASM representative and alternate to participate on the Core Advisory Team (CT). This team will meet virtually on a monthly basis (approx. 8 meetings) to help sift and winnow input received from the project stakeholders and prioritize project elements and intent. First meeting is anticipated in January 2021.

Other members on the CT include:

  • City of Madison Mayor’s Office – Rueben Sanon
  • City of Madison Planning – Rebecca Cnare
  • Downtown Madison, Inc. – Jason Ilstrup
  • UW Community Relations – Brenda Gonzalez
  • UW Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement (DDEEA) – Cheryl Gittens or assigned
  • UW Division of Student Affairs – Gabe Javier
  • UW FP&M – Gary Brown, Aaron Williams
  • UW Multicultural Center – Claudia Guzman or as assigned
  • UW Office of Sustainability – Missy Nergard
  • UW Student/Dane Co. Supervisor – Elena Haasl
  • UW/University Relations (Tribal Relations) – Aaron Bird Bear

Project goals include:

1. Completion of the East Campus Mall vision connecting Regent Street to Lake Mendota, as well as rehabilitating Library Mall after years of functioning as an active staging area for numerous adjacent projects.

  • Deliver a completed Library Mall to UW-Madison and the City of Madison demonstrating our commitment to a strong town-gown relationship.
2. Deliver East Campus Mall as a destination within the UW-Madison campus and City of Madison.

  • Increase pedestrian use of the space for recreation, gathering, lingering, and as a destination over the existing pass-thru nature of Library Mall.
  • Create a space complimentary to its major physical adjacencies, while functioning as an urban plaza to meet today’s needs.

3. Increase utilization of program space to meet the needs and desires of today’s campus population.

  • Integrate aspects of well-being based on the USGBC Sites v2 guidelines. 
  • Provide infrastructure and design to encourage use through all seasons and a variety of weather conditions.
  • Manage stormwater on-site and promote infiltration to handle the 100-year storm event.

4. Eliminate the existing challenges as follows:

  • Reduce operational costs by addressing perpetual maintenance issues in favor or robust materials that consider both weathering and durability in their life cycle cost. 
  • Mitigate non-relational issues of vagrancy, vandalism, and improper use in the area by delivering a design that understands and promotes utilization by a broad population throughout all hours and times of the season.
  • Address universal design issues and code non-compliance deficiencies in pavement, seating, and access. 

5. Address Hagenah Fountain (UW #0013):

  • Perform a conditions report (after Advanced Planning) to determine potential reuse and/or life expectancy.

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Library Mall, redevelopment, East Campus Mall, shared governance, campus planning,  
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Owned by:
Kelly K. in Associated Students of Madison
Associated Students of Madison