Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Lori Reesor, Associate Vice Chancellor for Health & Wellbeing and Executive Director of University Health Services Jake Baggot, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Leadership & Community Engagement and Director of the Wisconsin Union Mark Guthier, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Identity & Inclusion Gabe Javier and Dean of Students Christina Olstad, introduced themselves and spoke of goals pertinent to their respective roles.
Vice Chancellor Baggott outlined how he would like to continue many of the discussions held last year surrounding university health services on campus. Vice Chancellor Guthier iterated his desire for a closer conversation surrounding Registered Student Organizations and building the relationship they have with university administration. Gabe Javier discussed the importance of equity work in various student spheres of influence.
Questions were fielded from Student Council representatives. In response to a question regarding free speech on campus, Dean Olstad emphasized that as a university, we should show our values and feel comfortable with speaking out. Additionally, it was emphasized that listening sessions will be utilized, particularly regarding fraternity and sorority review.
Vice Chancellor Reesor expressed her intention of better connecting with the student body. She detailed how many students do not check their emails and are unaware of the support university administrators can provide. She emphasized that students can go to any of these six members of administration if they are in need of anything at all or would like to be directed to the right person to communicate with.
Chair Malloy introduced new legislation to recognize and appreciate the commitment of The League of Women Voters who volunteered their time to promote civic engagement by helping the students of UW-Madison register to vote.
Chair Malloy motioned to vote on the legislation. With a vote of 14-0-2, the body voted to suspend the rules to allow for debate and a vote on the legislation.
The legislation passed with a vote of 14-0-2.
Chair Downer introduced a piece of new legislation to approve the amendments to the bylaws by striking Subsection 4.06 and adding Subsection 2.06. The legislation moved to merge the Tenant Resource Center Contract Advisory Board and Rape Crises Center Advisory Board to streamline evaluation processes, reaffirm ASM’s responsibility to hold service providers accountable to their contracts and strengthen communication between ASM and providers.
There was no motion to vote on the legislation.
Chair Grunow introduced new legislation to approve the amendments to the bylaws of the Conference Selection Committee. The legislation moves to define eligible applicants as current and active ASM Coordinating Council, Student Council and open and closed committee members.
No motion was made to vote on the legislation.
Chair Malloy revisited a piece of legislation regarding the University of Wisconsin related Bills in the Wisconsin State Legislature, which speak upon segregated fees, student debt, and voter accessibility. The legislation called on the Associated Students of Madison to seek bipartisan solutions with the Wisconsin State Legislature and address student priorities as chief areas of concern.
Chair Malloy motioned to vote on the legislation. With a vote of 14-0-2, the body voted to suspend the rules to allow for debate and a vote on the legislation.
The legislation passed with a vote of 4-3-9.
Chair Grunow revisited legislation to adopt the written legislation from the summer conference for the Association of Big Ten Schools and to continue to support the Association of Big Ten Schools in their federal lobbying priorities, as well as maintaining a commitment to advocate for student priorities that are identified.
Chair Grunow motioned to vote on the legislation. With a vote of 14-0-2, the body voted to suspend the rules to allow for debate and a vote on the legislation.
The legislation passed with a vote of 14-0-2.
Student Council will meet next on Oct 2 at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Activity Center Hearing Room.
-- Associated Students of Madison: Matthew Mitnick