The Associated Students of Madison Student Council met on Wednesday, November 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Activity Center Hearing Room.
Chair Malloy made an announcement about the Forum with Wisconsin Legislators, occurring tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. in the Industry Room at Union South.
Chair Alaei made an announcement about a clothing swap taking place from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on December 6.
In open forum, Javier Fernandez and Stephen Dennison spoke about their concerns with Dr. Sayeed and the ECE GSA Resolution. They both expressed how important it was to ensure the well being of graduate students.
Spencer Johnson in open forum spoke about the Student Election Commission. He outlined the importance of promoting the spring ASM elections so students know how to vote and where to vote. Spencer mentioned how he has been collaborating with ASM leaders about boosting the spring elections in ASM media channels through advertising. He passed along a survey to Student Council, asking representatives to share how they believe the Student Election Commission can get more engaged with students. Contact Spencer with any questions or comments at
There was a special order from Erin Thornley Prisi, Executive Director of the Rape Crisis Center. She detailed how the Rape Crsis Center provides services to anyone who has been sexually violated at any time. The program runs 24 hours a day and 365 days per year. Erin discussed the client services statistics from 2018 and recent changes that have been made to benefit UW students.
Representative Warheit motioned to move the introduction of new legislation to the beginning of the agenda.
With a vote of 13-0-2, the motion passes and the agenda has been amended.
Chair Bosma introduced a Resolution in Support of ECE Graduate Students (and Allies). The resolutions calls for Student Council to support the efforts of the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Graduate Student Association, and their allies, in seeking a workplace environment free of bullying and harassment. It additionally asks for the Student Council to call on the University to address the lack of comprehensive graduate workplace policies and to identify the campus-wide policy changes necessary to prevent such abuse from happening again.
Chair Bosma motioned to suspend the rules and allow for debate and a vote on the resolution.
With a vote of 12-0-3, the motion passes.
With a vote of 13-0-2, the resolution passes.
Chair Pietroske spoke about the Student Activity Center Governing Board and its open seat. He described the function and responsibilities of the role.
Representative Kalvelage nominated herself to sit on the Student Activity Center Governing Board. She was approved by unanimous consent.
New shared governance appointees were listed in Chair Goyal’s report.
With a vote of 13-0-2, the appointees were approved.
Storage cage allocations were listed in Chair Pietroske’s report. He explained that there were nine large cages and 20 small cages.With a vote of 13-0-2, the storage cage allocations were approved.
Representative Santas offered an update from Union Council. He shared how the $863,943 budget for Union Council was approved at last week’s meeting. Additionally, the committee took a group photo and discussed the implementation of emergency phone numbers on Wiscards.
Resulting from a loss of quorum, the legislation for Special Committee on Campus Alcohol Policy was moved until the next Student Council meeting.
Student Council will meet next on December 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Activity Center Hearing Room.
-- Associated Students of Madison: Matthew Mitnick