333 East Campus Mall, 4301 Student Activity Center, Madison, WI
Website: asm.wisc.edu Phone: 608/265-4ASM
E-mail: press@asm.wisc.edu
Student Council Meeting Recap: April 15
The Associated Students of Madison (ASM) Student Council met on Wednesday, April 15 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Chair Downer announced delay in transition from the 26th to the 27th Session. This is outlined in the Student Judiciary Order, which can be accessed here. The 26th Session will end as planned on April 24th. The interim session will be held through the first Student Council meeting of the fall semester. The ASM Chair, GAC Chair, and SSFC Chair will remain in their positions, contingent upon graduation.
Chair reports were shared.
Director Lammers shared how she is collaborating on the ASM Intern Program. She has also been working directly with open committee chairs.
Director Mitnick spoke about the virtual town hall last week. He is working to compile a recap from this event, as well as share a press release containing information regarding the transition of leadership. To view updated information regarding meetings and events, please visit the ASM Knowledge Base.
Chair Lampron shared that the last Equity & Inclusion will be occurring on April 28 at 5:30 p.m. CST. They shared how they will not be on campus next semester and offered an update about gender-inclusive housing on campus.
Chair Bosma stated that for the year, about $63,000 were delineated for event grants, $115,000 for travel grants, and $87,000 for operations grants.
Chair Malloy announced that Legislative Affairs Committee will be holding a conference call with Senator Tammy Baldwin’s office. This will be in place of ASM lobbying her office in person at the ABTS On the Hill conference. She additionally commended efforts to promote voting from ASM.
Chair Goyal put up shared governance appointments for approval. These are detailed in his chair report. There were over 120 shared governance committee applicants for the next Session. 44 selections have made thus far, with roughly 20 interviews taking place. Shared Governance Committee will meet for a final time on Thursday, April 23. By unanimous consent, the shared governance appointments for the 27th Session were approved.
Director Fairach offered an update regarding the appointment process for the next Session. She has been checking in with committee appointees to discuss many of the virtual shared governance meetings.
Chair Pietroske said that the Student Activity Center Governing Board fielded over 60 applicants for office allocation approval. They interviewed and evaluated applications, conducted deliberations, and made final allocation decisions. This is all available on his chair report. By unanimous consent, office space allocations for the 27th Session were approved. The Student Activity Center is still closed until further notice. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Open Seat, as it is being assigned to room 3203 on the third floor of the Student Activity Center.
Chair Alaei announced that next week is Earth Week. A schedule is available on the Office of Sustainability’s website. The last committee meeting is this upcoming Tuesday at 7 p.m. CST.
Chair Downer talked about the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Cabinet of Student Leaders meeting. Additionally she had meetings with with Dean Olstad, Academic Staff Executive Committee Chair Tim Dalby, and Badgers Vote Coalition. Chair Downer is still working on employment policies, messaging for Amnesty Through Responsible Action, and transition materials. A survey will be sent to Student Council soon.
Vice Chair Grunow shared an update about the Cabinet of Student Leaders meeting, ASM virtual town hall, check-ins with Dean Olstad, and participation in the Mental Health Services Director interview sessions. She referenced messaging of Amnesty Through Responsible Action and transition documents as well.
Chair Pasbrig detailed his work with the ASM virtual town hall, check ins with Dean Olstad, and participation in the Mental Health Services Director interview sessions. The Student Services Finance Committee (SSFC) has continued to meet twice a week and after tomorrow, all policies and procedures for the committee will have been reviewed and updated. Pasbrig has also been looking into the legality of payments to students during COVID-19 and ASM's role inthis. The annual segregated fee meeting with the Chancellor will likely be happening at the beginning of May.
Next, Chair Pasbrig introduced the Badger Catholic Mid-Year Budget Return legislation. It states that the SSFC recognize Badger Catholic’s demonstrated commitment to proactivity and fiscal responsibility. The returned funds of $20,808 will still count in Badger Catholic’s overall budget return for FY20 and the full $20,808 will be put into operating grants for the Grant Allocation Committee. Essentially, the SSFC recognizes through this legislation the bylaws that allow General Student Services Fund groups to return money at their mid-year report.
With a vote of 14-0-2, the legislation passes.
Chair Bosma introduced a piece of legislation regarding Operations Grants for 2020-2021. The Grant Allocation Committee met two times in person and two times virtually to approve 72 Registered Student Organizations for Operation Grant funding for the 2020-2021 school year. The total amount for these grants is about $87,000, with a budget of $90,000. No organizations were denied funding in this area.
With a vote of 14-0-2, the legislation passes.
Student Council for the 26th Session has concluded. It has been an honor to write these recaps for you over this Session. Thank you for reading!
The 27th Session for ASM will meet next on Wednesday, September 2, 2020. -- Associated Students of Madison: Matthew Mitnick