333 East Campus Mall, 4301 Student Activity Center, Madison, WI
Website: asm.wisc.edu Phone: 608/265-4ASM
E-mail: press@asm.wisc.edu
Media Bulletin: Week of March 8
- The ASM Spring 2021 Election will run from 8:00am on Monday, March 8, 2021 through 5:00pm on Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Students vote for Student Council representatives within their school or college. All students can vote for representatives for the Student Services Finance Committee. There is also one referendum question on the ballot regarding the COVID-19 Student Relief Fund and students will have the option of voting yes or no. You can access the official ASM ballot from the ASM homepage, the daily mass emails, or via the direct link: https://asm.uwsc.wisc.edu/
- The ASM Spring 2021 Election Press Conference: will be held on Wednesday at 9:00PM on Zoom to announce the preliminary results of the election. Contact Student Election Commission Chair Spencer Johnson at elections@asm.wisc.edu for further information.
- Equity & Inclusion Committee: will meet on Monday at 8:00 p.m. on Zoom. Contact EIC Chair Brandon Springer at equity@asm.wisc.edu for further information.
- Grant Allocation Committee: will meet this week at a yet to be determined date and time. Contact Grant Allocation Committee Chair Sam Jorudd at grants@asm.wisc.edu for further information.
- Legislative Affairs Committee: will meet on Monday at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. Contact Legislative Affairs Chair Robyn George at legislative@asm.wisc.edu for further information.
- Student Council: will meet on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. The agenda and open forum sign-up can be found here. Contact Chair Mitnick at chair@asm.wisc.edu for further information.
- Student Services Finance Committee: will meet on Monday at 6:00 p.m. and Thursday at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom. Meeting materials for SSFC can be found here. Contact SSFC Chair Tess Reilly at ssfc@asm.wisc.edu for further information.
- Sustainability Committee: will meet on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. Contact Sustainability Chair Natalie Tinsen at sustainability@asm.wisc.edu for further information.
-- Associated Students of Madison: Jacob Broehm