News and Announcements

Media Bulletin: Week of November 19

Posted: 2018-11-19 12:06:53   Expiration: 2040-11-26 12:06:53

ASM LogoAssociated Students of Madison 
333 East Campus Mall, Student Activity Center Rm 4301 Madison, WI 53715  
Phone: 608/265-4ASM Fax: 608/265-5637 E-mail:

CONTACT: Morgan Grunow, Press Office Director | 262-215-8737



  • Student Services Finance Committee (SSFC): will not meet this week.

  • Legislative Affairs Committee: will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in the Student Activity Center Caucus Room to backwards plan for the committee’s Wisconsin State Budget Campaign, and to break into groups to research and brainstorm in three focus areas: student state budget priorities, housing and medical amnesty.

  • Grant Allocation Committee: will not meet this week.

  • Student Activity Center Governing Board: will meet on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in Student Activity Center Room 4001 to go over its budget and to allocate five offices for the rest of the school year.

  • Sustainability Committee: will not meet this week.

  • Coordinating Council: will not meet this week.


-- Associated Students of Madison: Morgan Grunow