Student Title IX Advisory Committee (STIXA)

Committee Description

The Student Title IX Advisory Committee is a diverse committee of students charged with advising the Dean of Students and the campus Title IX Coordinator on a range of Title IX and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) issues. These issues include, but are not limited to, sexual violence awareness and prevention education, complaint investigation and adjudication policy, and campus culture/climate. The committee will facilitate transparent and open communication between UW Administration and students to the highest degree possible considering Federal and State law and applicable campus policy. This committee will also communicate with university faculty and staff to identify strategies for ensuring that students understand their rights under Title IX and know how to report possible violations of Title IX. Members of this committee will meet no less than monthly to discuss and actualize ways to improve how our campus confronts and repairs harms associated with sexual assault and other gender-based violence to make this campus safer for all UW-Madison enrollees, employees and visitors.

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sexual violence, awareness, prevention, education, complaint investigation, adjudication policy, campus climate, Title IX 
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Kelly K. in Associated Students of Madison
Associated Students of Madison