Sustainability :: Sustainability Committee / ASM


The Sustainability Committee is one of the five open committees of the Associated Students of Madison (ASM) that focuses on environmental sustainability at UW-Madison. As a committee, we identify pressing environmental issues on campus and organize grassroots campaigns to promote sustainable solutions. The goal of this committee is to advocate for administrative and operational changes related to environmental stewardship, and ultimately create a more sustainable campus. We often connect with the greater Madison community to expand our efforts and advance our shared vision of sustainability. We also coordinate with other open committees, such as Legislative Affairs and Equity and Inclusion Committee, to work on environmental policy and environmental justice issues.

Committee members work together in teams on semester-long campaigns relating to environmental education, compost, water, energy, plastics, and more. Any student is welcome to join throughout the year, we are excited to hear your ideas for a more sustainable campus!

Click here to view the Sustainability Committee meeting schedule.

For more information, contact the Sustainability Chair:

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