When you're ready to move forward with a hire you must change the student finalist(s) status(es) to "Create Offer." The student(s) must have applied through the Student Jobs Platform to complete this step.
Instructions to Create a Job Offer
- Review the Student Jobs Platform training materials under the "Offers" menu.
- Follow the instructions on the Student Jobs Platform to create the job offer.
- Follow the ASU - specific instructions below when completing the job offer.
ASU-Specific Instructions
- This is a required field to hire a student with ASU. Use language from job requisition KB
- This should match the information/UDDS you provided when creating the job requisition
- Consult with ASU if you are unsure what to select from the drop down menus.
Working Job Title
- Enter "Supervisor Last Name - Division Acronym - Job Title" as the working title - you may need to abbreviate
- Example: Smith-OHR-Front Desk Asst
Funding String
- ASU requires to receive the funding information before the hire is processed into HRS.
- Consult with ASU if you are unsure.
Start Date:
- Please note that ASU requests 10 business days to process a hire before they start. Processing time is dependent on timely response by the student to CBC initiation (if applicable) and online offer.
- Please enter the anticipated start date you have in mind. ASU may adjust the start date after review and will communicate any adjustments with you.
- If the student requires a Criminal Background Check, this may add to processing time. If the position requires a CBC and you have not yet requested one, refer to the KB (Link CBC KB) to submit a request.
- UW-Madison requires employees to complete I-9 requirements in their first three days of employment. If your student is unable to complete I-9 requirements in the given timeline they will not be eligible to work with UW-Madison until the I-9 requirements are completed.
End date:
- ASU requires you to provide an end date. If there is not a scheduled date for the position to end, you should provide the approximate month/year the student is expected to graduate or the work is expected to end. Use updated language
- Copy language from Job requisition KB on hours
My student will be working: reference drop down/screenshot
You must let ASU know if the student will not be working in the Madison area for the first week of employment so that we can ensure to arrange a proxy to meet I-9 compliance requirements.
- Copy language from Job requisition KB on salary - *ASU will review to ensure that it is aligned with salary on job posting
Offer Letter Merge Fields
- The hiring manager can feel free to provide any additional information in the offer letter merge fields; however, ASU will generate and attach the appointment letter to the offer card before sending to the student.
Onboarding Selection
- Dropdown screenshots
- workflow - No new student employee
- portal - no onboarding
- Reports To FIeld: Who will this position be reporting to day to day?
Approval Process (Required)
Follow the approval process assigned to your division.
- Select “SH: Single Divisional Approval (Div Rep 1st)” for the Approval Process
- Divisional Approval Field: Type the name of the Director of your Program/functional area and click the magnifying glass to search.
- Student Employment Hiring Rep Field: Type asu.hr@ohr.wisc.edu and click the magnifying glass to search. Asu.hr@ohr.wsc.edu should always be listed in the Student Employment Hiring Rep Field.
- Student Employment Admin Team: The student.employment@finaid.wisc.edu email address will automatically populate as the final approval. DO NOT REMOVE. The Student Employment Admin Team will always need to be the final approval.

Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement (DDEEA)
- Select "SH: Double Divisional Approval (Div Rep 1st)" for the approval process
- 1st Divisional Approver: Type the name of the Director of your Program/functional area and click the magnifying glass to search.
- 2nd Divisional Approver: Type the name of your divisional budget contact, Kat Muschlewski.
- Student Employment Hiring Rep Field: Type asu.hr@ohr.wisc.edu and click the magnifying glass to search. Asu.hr@ohr.wsc.edu should always be listed in the Student Employment Hiring Rep Field field.
- Student Employment Admin Team Field: The student.employment@finaid.wisc.edu email address will automatically populate as the final approval. DO NOT REMOVE. The Student Employment Admin Team will always need to be the final approval.

Submit (Required)
Select "Submit" or "Submit & Exit" to start the approval process

Once approved, the student will receive a notification to review and accept their official offer online and electronically complete the New Hire form which collects personal information needed to push the hire through to HRS. As a reminder, processing time is dependent on timely response by the student to CBC initiation (if applicable) and online offer. ASU will send you an email notification and will update the applicant's status to "HR Processing Complete" once the student has been cleared to start work. MAKE BIGGER