Grade Appeal

This document explains the grade appeal process for a grade earned in a Wisconsin School of Business course.

If a student is dissatisfied with a grade received in a Wisconsin School of Business course, the following procedure must be followed should the student wish to appeal the grade.

  1. The student will first discuss the grade appeal with the instructor of the course.
  2. If the student and instructor cannot come to an agreement, the student will provide a formal written request for grade appeal to the Associate Dean in charge of the relevant program. The written request must include: the class, instructor, grade received, date and conclusion of meeting with instructor and the specific reason(s) for appealing the grade.
  3. The Associate Dean will forward the appeal request to the Department Chair which houses the course in question. The Department Chair will perform the due diligence necessary (including, but limited to, meeting with the instructor and student) to assess the merits of the appeal request and will provide a decision in writing to the Associate Dean.
  4. The Associate Dean will communicate the decision to both the student and instructor.
  5. Should the student wish to appeal the decision further, the Associate Dean will perform the due diligence necessary (including, but limited to, meeting with the Chair, instructor and student) to assess the merits of the appeal request. The Associate Dean has the discretion to review not only the process that was undertaken in the first review, but also the earlier decision. The Associate Dean will provide a decision in writing to the Chair, instructor and student.
  6. The instructor will take action if needed.

grade, appeal, dissatisaction, dissatisfied 
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DJ M. in Wisconsin BBA Advising Center
Wisconsin BBA Advising Center