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MetaMorph Software Suite

This document contains information about the MetaMorph Software Suite, including its function, contact information, location, oversight plan, and training plan. The equipment on this page is typically available for all users in the UW–Madison Biochemistry Department to access for their research needs.





Analysis of images and movies.


Josie Mitchell


Room 2208, Hector F. DeLuca Biochemical Sciences Building (440 Henry Mall)


The computer and software are regularly updated and maintained by the Biochemistry IT department. Operating issues (e.g. error messages) are recorded on a log sheet next to the computer (the log records the date the issue was encountered, a description, and the user's name). Users are instructed to bring any issues to the attention of Josie Mitchell via email (, and Josie will arrange to contact Metamorph and resolve the problem. If required, we will establish an online calendar so that users can reserve time to use the software (currently all users have been able to readily utilize the software when needed, since the computer is dedicated to image analysis).


New users are instructed to contact Josie Mitchell (, who will arrange a training session tailored to the user's need. There are also written instructions on how to carry out commonly performed analysis tasks.

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Keywordsbioc biochem biochemistry olympus analyze analysis analyzing image images movie movies video videos software computer computing computation compute   Doc ID129544
OwnerMark E.GroupBiochemistry Equipment
Created2023-07-06 08:47:56Updated2023-07-06 16:00:46
SitesCALS Biochemistry Equipment
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