Topics Map > Software

Software - EndNote Download/Installation Instructions

This document contains the download links and installation instructions for EndNote for the Biochemistry Department.

Learn more about EndNote here.

The Biochemistry Department has licensed EndNote for use by active members of UW-Madison Biochemistry labs only.  You may not share this installer, doing so violates the license agreement.

You are required to remove this software when you leave the UW–Madison Biochemistry Department.

The current version of EndNote is EndNote 21. There may be multiple updates that will need to be installed after you install EndNote. Please keep launching EndNote after you complete the installation and install the suggested updates until it no longer prompts you for additional updates.

Download EndNote 

MacOS Installation Instructions

  1. Download and save the MacOS EndNote installer available below
  2. Open the installer Disk Image
  3. Run the Install EndNote from within the Disk Image
  4. After the install is complete, eject the Disk Image and delete the .dmg file

Windows Installation Instructions

  1. Download and save the Windows EndNote installer available below (Do NOT open the the file when downloading, you must SAVE it to your computer)
  2. Right-click on the Zip file you downloaded and click on Extract All...
  3. On the pop-up window, make sure Show extracted files when completed is checked and click Extract
  4. Make sure two files are extracted:
    A License.dat file
    The EndNote Installer .msi file
  5. Run the Installer file from that location

Keywordsannotate annotation annotations bibliography citation cite citing download downloading end install installation installing installing installs note   Doc ID124183
OwnerPeyton T.GroupCALS Biochemistry IT
Created2023-02-20 15:31:07Updated2024-02-21 09:19:30
SitesCALS Biochemistry Information Technology, CALS Information Technology
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