News and Announcements

Pressbooks - Issues with H5P and editor (RESOLVED)

Posted: 2019-06-12 11:48:25   Expiration: 2019-06-19 11:48:25

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2019-06-12 11:48:25. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Updates to the UW-Madison custom-built plugins have resulted in some unexpected errors on the production instance of Pressbooks (

Earlier today, updates to the UW-Madison custom built plugins for advanced content authoring and reporting were pushed to the production instance of pressbooks (located at Despite rigorous testing, a number of unanticipated issues have arisen. Specifically, users are experiencing difficulty switching between the "Text" and "Visual" editors, error messages requesting configuration values, and difficulty adding H5P activites to specific chapters. The Learn@UW-Madison team has reached out to Pressbooks to help resolve the issue. We anticipate it will likely be resolved within the next 1-2 days, but will continue to post updates here.

This issue has been resolved as of 12pm 6/12/19

-- Learn@UW-Madison: Andrew Turner