News and Announcements

TurnItIn - Degraded Performance for Paper Submission reported by Vendor (RESOLVED)

Posted: 2019-11-13 12:13:11   Expiration: 2019-11-20 12:13:11

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2019-11-13 12:13:11. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

TurnItIn notified the Learn@UW-Madison team at 10:52am CT on 11/13/19 that there's degraded performance in the TurnItIn Paper Submission features of the tool.

Earlier today, TurnItIn notified the Learn@UW-Madison team at 10:52am CT on 11/13/19 that there's degraded performance in the TurnItIn Paper Submission features of the tool. Users of the Turnitin service may be unable to make submissions or experience slowness when uploading submissions. The vendor is working on this issue. We do not anticipate that the degraded performance will last longer than 12-24 hours, however this news item will be updated when the issue is resolved.

As of 11:35am CT, Turnitin and Turnitin UK are currently down and users are unable to log in or make submissions. We are working on this issue as our top priority and are performing emergency maintenance. Apologies for any inconvenience this may be causing.

As of 12:41pm CT, Incident resolved. TurnItIn has reported that the issue has been resolved. The service is getting back to normal and paper processing times will be longer than usual. Learn@UW-Madison is testing to verify that performance is no longer degraded.

As of 2:19pm Learn@UW-Madison has verified that performance is no longer degraded. Issue Resolved!

-- Learn@UW-Madison: Andrew Turner