News and Announcements

Cellular Voice Mail Change -- 06-28-00

Posted: 2000-06-28 06:32:45   Expiration: 2000-06-28 06:32:45

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2000-06-28 06:32:45. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

U.S. Cellular is changing their voice mail system tomorrow, Wednesday, June 28, 2000 in order to provide better service for their customers (for details see the message below).

U.S. Cellular is changing their voice mail system tomorrow, Wednesday, June 28, 2000 in order to provide better service for their customers (for details see the message below).

Network Operations sent out an email today to the cellular coordinators alerting them to this change; however, a small number of the email messages bounced back. So, some of the customers may not be aware of the change and may end up calling the DoIT Help Desk to report a problem with their cellular voice mail.

If you get a call relating specifically to cellular voice mail, here's what you should do:

    Inform the customer to call 1-888-944-9400 or *611 to get information on this change from U.S. Cellular.

These calls may occur during the next week as customers become aware of the change.

Subject:    Cellular Voice Mail Change 
Author: Catie ISENBERG
Date:       6/27/00 1:56 PM
  To:  UW-Madison Cellular Telephone Users
From:  DoIT Network Operations
  Re:  New U.S. Cellular Voice Mail System
U.S. Cellular is changing their voice mail system on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 in
order to provide better service.  The attached document is provided by U.S. 
Cellular; it explains why this change is being made and how to program your 
cellular voice mail to accommodate the change.  Please feel free to pass this 
message on to anyone who may not have received it - since some contact 
information has changed since service was installed, we may not have all current
user names in our records.  If you are a cellular contact person for your 
department, please be sure to pass this on to all users.  
If you do not use voice mail on your cellular telephone, please disregard this 

-- Wanjiru Pontes