News and Announcements

Blackboard Collaborate - Intermittent Service Interruption **Resolved**

Posted: 2014-01-08 12:10:47   Expiration: 2014-01-10 14:08:18

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2014-01-08 12:10:47. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Users of the My UW System Portal were unable to access Blackboard Collaborate and received an error message (“An error occurred loading this content.”) from ~ 6am 01/07/14 - 10am 01/08/14.

The DoIT Portal team became aware of the situation and immediately went to work on resolving the issues. The actions that were necessary to restore the service did not have an impact on users.

An outage was been opened and information was posted to the UW System Outages web site (

The issue that affected the Web Conferencing portlet in the My UW System portal was resolved as of 10:13 a.m. this morning (1/8). We verified that access has been restored.

We regret the temporary disruption and further activities will occur to prevent future disruptions.

-- Collaborate: Service Team