News and Announcements

Lyris outage (01/05, 11 to 3 PM)

Posted: 2001-01-05 07:56:50   Expiration: 2001-01-05 07:56:50

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-01-05 07:56:50. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The Lyris server will be down from 11 to 3 PM on Friday, 01/05. Messages sent to distribution lists will be delayed.

The Lyris server will be down from 11 to 3 PM on Friday, 01/05. It will have the following effect:

  • Delaying messages sent to distribution lists (not class lists).

  • List administrators will not be able to modify membership lists.

-- Chris Mayeshiba