News and Announcements

CBS Upgrade

Posted: 2003-11-25 09:08:56   Expiration: 2003-11-30 19:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2003-11-25 09:08:56. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

CBS upgrade to take place between Tuesday (11/25 - 5pm) and Saturday noon. Clarify might also not be available afternoon.

CBS upgrade to take place between Tuesday (11/25 - 5pm) and Saturday (11/29 - 12pm+). Clarify might also not be available in the afternoon.

Tuesday evening, November 25 at 500 PM marks the start of DoIT's major business system (CBS) upgrade process.

As you may know, this will be accompanied by the closing of the DoIT TechStore and the Computer Repair windows. Purchasing options at the store will not be available till 745 AM Monday December 1.

This is a very massive upgrade of the CBS business system and has many facets, with many persons contributing. In varying degrees, and depending on what is happening at the time, Clarify operation will be affected.

Starting 500 PM Tuesday, the CBS database will NOT be available to interface with Clarify production. Clarify, though, should still be usable for most Help Desk functions.

For example, you will hopefully be able to Create, Save, Dispatch cases and add notes, though you will be seeing multiple Oracle errors with most operations. (You should be able to click "OK" on these errors and go on.)

Also, you will not be able to access any info on Clarify case tabs that involve CBS data.

In the event of a worst-case scenario and Clarify becomes unusable, Jack Lepak, Chris Mayeshiba, Chris Grosspietsch and the HD team leaders are preparing alternatives for tracking our cases during this period, such as dusting off HD's "Mystify" tracking system.

The upgraded CBS database will be brought up and made available at 10am. Dave Ruhde will make sure that this happens smoothly. Todd Neidinger is providing OS support if needed.

At that point, Steve Fosdal, Bob Gantzer et al will start working to implement their changes in the CBS interface and Clarify itself, in order to enable Clarify to work properly with the upgraded CBS. I will be here as well, to expedite the Clarify operation.

During this period on Saturday, Clarify will be shut down and NOT available at all. As mentioned above, we hope the needed changes will be implemented within a few hours.

Important Note:

After the CBS upgrade, CBS interface and Clarify changes are all done (Saturday afternoon), it will be necessary to clear the Clarify cache folder ("CBcache") and schema setup files, for each machine using CLarify, before Clarify will work.

For the Help Desk platform machines, it used to be that a script ran automatically to do this at Clarify login time.

I just found out that this was not the case, so the procedure will need to be done on each machine manually.

The procedure is described in HD internal document # 351,

Just follow the steps described under "Solution" in this document (ignore the problem descriptions).

I'm sure SysOps (DCO) and RaDS staff can do the same for their machines.

As mentioned in earlier messages, I will be around on Saturday to help if there are questions, and Jeff will be here on Sunday.

HD agents should also be prepared for calls possibly coming in after Saturday, from other Clarify users who encounter this problem. If you can't resolve the problem for them, escalate the case to me via the usual 0-Clarify-UserAdmin queue.

-- Victor Scherer