News and Announcements

WebCT Problem with quizzes 02-01-00

Posted: 2000-02-01 05:53:06   Expiration: 2000-02-01 05:53:06

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2000-02-01 05:53:06. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

There is a problem with quizzes not being available in WebCT. Callers need to get back the course leader or WebCT course contact.

There is a problem with quizzes not being available in WebCT. If the course leader set the start date set for the end of the previous month and the end date for the beginning of the next month, the quiz may not be available to students. The course leader should extend the end date further into the month. The course leader should check the quiz list to make sure that they are available. This list will accurately depict the quizzes that are available to students.

If students call in about this problem, they need to get back the course leader or WebCT course contact. The contact or course leader has to change the end date of the quiz to make it available. They should log in as a student to make sure they can access the quiz.

-- Hildy Feen