News and Announcements

ISTST will be unavailable till 8am Wed 4/4/01

Posted: 2001-04-03 08:07:38   Expiration: 2001-04-03 08:07:38

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-04-03 08:07:38. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

ISTST will be unavailable until 8am tomorrow morning, Wed., April 4th.Any developers who moved projects into ISTST on Monday or Tuesday should re-request their moves by sending mail to

ISTST will be unavailable until 8am tomorrow morning, Wed., April 4th. Any online changes made to ISTST after 9:15 am on Monday, April 2nd will need to be re-applied. Any developers who moved projects into ISTST on Monday or Tuesday should re-request their moves by sending mail to

We apologize for the inconvenience.

-- Kathy Gleeson