News and Announcements

Statement in Support of Vigil for Thousand Oaks

Posted: 2018-11-12 11:03:29   Expiration: 2040-11-19 10:03:29

ASM LogoAssociated Students of Madison 
333 East Campus Mall, Student Activity Center Rm 4301 Madison, WI 53715  
Phone: 608/265-4ASM Fax: 608/265-5637 E-mail:

Sunday, November 11

On Thursday, October 8, 12 innocent people lost their lives at a country music bar in Thousand Oaks, California.

The Associated Students of Madison (ASM) stands against hate and violence in all forms and it is our responsibility as students to speak out no matter where it takes place. We encourage the rest of the UW-Madison community to stand in solidarity with those affected by this tragedy, recognizing people everywhere are impacted by this act violence.

Tonight, ASM members will join other members of the UW-Madison community to remember the victims of the incident, and to stand in support of those affected by the tragedy.

A vigil will take place tonight, November 11, at 5 p.m. in Library Mall. March for Our Lives, as well as other community organizations, will be holding the vigil. Speakers for the vigil will include UW-Madison students from the Thousand Oaks area, anti-violence speakers and representatives from community organizations.

In solidarity,

William Welsh
Chair, Associated Students of Madison

Yogev Ben-Yitschak
Vice-Chair, Associated Students of Madison

-- Associated Students of Madison: Morgan Grunow