UW-Madison Google Workspace - Copy your Google Site to a different account

This article explains how to copy your Google Site from one Google account to another.

Note: The content of this document is based on information available from Google's support documentation. For the most up-to-date information and additional details, please refer to the original source.

Transferring New Sites to another account is the same as transferring any other Google Drive file.

Keep in mind that your URL will always change when you copy your Site to a new account, regardless of whether that account is in the same domain.

Keywordsexporting content docs google uw madison documents sites apps drive transferring personal accounts websites webpages moving wisc   Doc ID27396
OwnerUW-Madison Google WorkspaceGroupUW Google Apps
Created2012-11-16 11:49:51Updated2024-06-11 07:28:28
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Google Apps
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