UW-Madison Box (iOS) - Logging In

To log into your UW-Madison Box account on your Apple iOS device, follow these steps:

Important: Before using any mobile apps, you must log into the UW-Madison Box Web Client at least once to trigger the creation of your account.

How to Log In

  1. Download and install the Box app on your iOS device

    App store with the box app available to download

  2. Launch the Box app.
  3. Tap Log In.

    Arrow pointing to "Log In" button

  4. Enter your NetID email address (e.g. bbadger@wisc.edu) and tap Next.

    Sign in page displaying a textbox to type in the email address and an arrow pointing to the "Next" button

  5. At the NetID login page, enter your NetID and password, then tap Log In.

    NetID log in page

  6. Authenticate your login.

  7. After logging in successfully, you will see your UW-Madison Box account. For instructions on how to use the app, please visit: Using Box for iOS.

box logging in login accessing account ios apple ipad iphone mobile 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Admin B. in Box
Box, DoIT Help Desk