Bucky Backup - Download, Install, and Configure the Bucky Backup Client (Linux)

This document explains how to download, install and configure the Bucky Backup client for a Linux server/computer.

There are 3 basic steps you must complete before you can start using the Bucky Backup Client (Lite or Enterprise):

Note: This document assumes you have already registered for Bucky Backup. If you have not done that yet, please see: Bucky Backup - Getting Started.

  1. Download the Bucky Backup Client
  2. Install the Bucky Backup Client
  3. Configure the Bucky Backup Client for the First Time

Download the Bucky Backup Client

  1. Confirm that your computer/server meets the Bucky Backup client environment prerequisites.
    • Note: Other Linux flavors are not supported, but may still work with Bucky Backup (Lite or Enterprise)
  2. Check the list of known problems and limitations for the Bucky Backup client.
  3. Download the latest version of the Bucky Backup client for linux:
  4. Some additional software may be required (such as JRE for client GUI).

    Install the Bucky Backup Client (RHEL and SUSE)

    1. Extract the client installation files into a temporary directory.
      • tar -xlf <bucky backup client>.tar
      • If you have a previous major version you should remove it first with the rpm -e option. A major version change would be moving from 6.2.x.x to 6.3.x.x or 5.5.x.x to 6.x.x.x. A minor version update ( to will require the "-U" flag rather than "-i" for rpm.
      • Change into the temporary directory and install the new Bucky Backup client.
        • Enter the following commands:
          • rpm -U gskcrypt64- gskssl64-
          • rpm -i TIVsm-API64.x86_64.rpm
          • rpm -i TIVsm-BA.x86_64.rpm

      Install the Bucky Backup Client (Ubuntu)

      1. Extract the client installation files into a temporary directory.
        • tar -xlf <bucky backup client>.tar
      2. If you have a previous major version you should remove it first. A major version change would be moving from 6.2.x.x to 6.3.x.x or 5.5.x.x to 6.x.x.x. A minor version change may only require an upgrade ( to
      3. Change into the temporary directory and install the new Bucky Backup client.
        • Enter the following commands:
          • sudo dpkg -i gskcrypt64_8.0-50.40.linux.x86_64.deb gskssl64_8.0-50.40.linux.x86_64.deb
          • sudo dpkg -i tivsm-api64.amd64.deb
          • sudo dpkg -i tivsm-ba.amd64.deb

      Configure the Bucky Backup Client for the First Time

      Before the Bucky Backup client can be used communication, logging, processing, and scheduling options must be configured for the server.

      1. Replace the sample dsm.sys.smp client option file in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/ directory with this dsm.sys file that has been customized for the Bucky Backup environment.
      2. Replace the sample dsm.opt.smp client option file in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/ directory with this dsm.opt file that has been customized for the Bucky Backup environment.
      3. Replace the sample incldexcl client option file in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/ directory with this inclexcl file that has been customized for the Bucky Backup environment.
      4. See IBM's creating and modifying the client system options file documentation for an overview of the configuration process.

      Configuring the Communication Options

      1. Check the Bucky Backup registration response email to find out which Bucky Backup server your node connects to.
      2. Configure the Servername, Nodename, TCPPort and TCPServeraddress entries in the dsm.sys file for your node.
        • Note: The Bucky Backup servers and associated ports are:

          Bucky Backup Enterprise servers and ports.
          Bucky Backup Enterprise Server Addresses Bucky Backup Enterprise Port Numbers
          bucky1.doit.wisc.edu 1499
          bucky2.doit.wisc.edu 1500
          bucky5.doit.wisc.edu 1503
          bucky6.doit.wisc.edu 1504
          bb1.doit.wisc.edu 1501
          bb2.doit.wisc.edu 1502


          Bucky Backup Lite servers and ports.
          Bucky Backup Lite Server Addresses
          Bucky Backup Lite Port Numbers
          bl1.doit.wisc.edu 1501
          bl2.doit.wisc.edu 1502
          bl3.doit.wisc.edu 1503
          bb3.doit.wisc.edu 1503
          bb4.doit.wisc.edu 1504


          Bucky Archive servers and ports.
           Bucky Backup Archive Server Addresses
          Bucky Backup Archive Port Numbers
          ba1.doit.wisc.edu 1501
          bba.doit.wisc.edu 1500


      3. Next, configure the servername option in the dsm.opt file.


      4. See IBM's communication options documentation for more details.

      Configuring the Client Scheduler

      1. Review IBM's configuring the client scheduler documentation.
      2. Select either the traditional client or the client acceptor daemon (CAD)-managed scheduler method.CAD recommended for Linux distributions that use systemd.
        • To help choose which option is right for your application, see here:
        • If you select the traditional client scheduler method:
          1. Configure the schedmode option for polling in the dsm.sys file.
          2. Configure the queryschedperiod option in the dsm.sys file.
          3. You must initialize the client password file if you're using "passwordaccess generate" in dsm.sys. This is the default if you're using our example file. Run this command to test your connectivity to the server and to save the password:
            • dsmc query schedule
          4. Configure the dsmc scheduler to startup automatically at system boot.
            • For Redhat Linux, add the following to the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local
              • /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc schedule > /dev/null &
            • For SuSe Linux, add the following entry to the /etc/inittab
              • tsm::once:/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc schedule > /dev/null 2>&1 #TSM Client
          5. Start the TSM scheduler.
            • /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc schedule > /dev/null &
        • If you select the CAD-managed scheduler method:
          1. See IBM's documentation for more information: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ_8.1.7/client/t_cfg_schdcad_steps.html
          2. Configure the managedservices option for schedule in the dsm.sys file. Add this:
            • managedservices schedule
          3. You must initialize the client password file if you're using "passwordaccess generate" in dsm.sys. This is the default if you're using our example file. Run this command to test your connectivity to the server and to save the password:
            • dsmc query schedule
          4. For older versions of Linux:
            1. To start the CAD-managed scheduler on older versions of Linux:
              • service dsmcad start
            2. To enable CAD to start automatically after a system restart add the service as follows:
              • chkconfig --add dsmcad
          5. For current versions of Linux that use Systemd (Red Hat/CentOs, SUSE, and Ubuntu/Debian)

            1. Copy dsmcad.service file to systemd
              • sudo cp /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad.service /etc/systemd/system/
            2. Reload systemd
              • sudo /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload
            3. Enable the dsmcad service
              • sudo /usr/bin/systemctl enable dsmcad
            4. Start the dsmcad service
              • sudo /usr/bin/systemctl start dsmcad

      Advanced Options

      Note: The default options set in the sample files above, dsm.sys, dsm.opt, and inclexcl, should work for most users.

      Configuring Processing Options

      1. Configure the resourceutilization option in the dsm.sys file to define how many concurrent sessions the Bucky Backup server and client can use during processing.
      2. Configure the users option in the dsm.sys file to specify which users are authorized to request Bucky Backup services.
      3. Configure the passwordaccess option in the dsm.sys file to determine if you want to save the Bucky Backup node password or be prompted for it at the start of each backup session.

      Configuring Backup Logs

      1. Configure the errorlogname and errorlogretention options in the dsm.sys file to specify the name of the error log and how many days to maintain the error log before pruning it.
      2. Configure the schedlogname and schedlogretention options in the dsm.sys file to specify the name of the scheduler log and how many days to maintain the scheduler log before pruning it.

      Keywordslinux red hat rhel suse ubuntu debian back up installing Bucky Backup Lite Enterprise ADSM tivoli configure TSM setup config support client install download   Doc ID25494
      OwnerKevin K.GroupBucky Backup
      Created2012-08-07 08:01:29Updated2023-12-22 13:40:49
      SitesBucky Backup, DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Staff
      Feedback  1   1