Reserving a CAE Lab
Step by step document on how to reserve a CAE lab space
To reserve a CAE lab space, please do the following:
1. Open a web browser, and navigate to page:
2. Login with your campus NetID:
3. Click on the "CREATE A RESERVATION" link to browse available options

4. Click "book now" next to "Request CAE Lab Reservation"

5. This will bring up the Room Request form. Enter the date and time for your reservation:

6. Under "Let Me Search For A Room", If you would like to reserve a Linux Lab, click add/remove and check "CAE Linux Computer Lab.
Then, click "Search":

7. Next, click the green plus marks next to the lab you are interested in reserving:

This will bring up a popup where you can specify how many people the reservation is for. Once complete, click "Add Room":

8. Once complete, Click "Next Step" to move on to filling out your reservation details:

9. Now fill out the form and click "Create Reservation"

- Note: On fields next to a search icon, you will be unable to type anything. Instead, click the search icon, and type in what you are looking for, then select it, and hit close on the pop up.
Congratulations! You have now requested a CAE Lab reservation.
You can review your requests by clicking on the "My Events" link on you Engineering EMS homepage. Your event will be "pending" until it is approved. While it is in the pending status, your event will not show up on the room schedule.