Approving Key Access Requests in Keylime
Instructions for approving key/card access requests.
Accessing Keylime
To process requests to spaces that you manage (listed as the approver for), start the process by logging in to Keylime:
You may need to authenticate with your Netid if you have not already done so.
After you login, you should see something similar (may not be exact) to:
The Green box will show any automatically given card access areas by the college. This can include access to the engineering buildings, or some other rooms that use data-driven accss criteria (class roster, etc). The list (if any) below the "Your Current Keys" will show any keys or card access areas you have been issued.
Approving Requests
When you are ready to approve requests, click th "Approve/deny request" button. This will take you to a page showing all pending requests waiting for your decision. The example below shows 2 requests. The first is someone requesting access to a room that uses a physical key, and the 2nd is for a request that uses card access:
For each request, you have the option to Leave the decision for later, Approve the request, or Deny the request. For either key type, you also have the ability to add any comments you wish to record or pass along to the person that will issue they key/access.
Once you have completed selecting your options, click the "Processl all selected" button to commit your changes.
Additional options for Card Access Doors
For rooms that access is controlled by the campus card access system, you will be given a few additional options.
The "Card AccessKey(s)" dropdown will show the possible access levels that can be selected for the room. For MOST of the rooms, there will be only one option. There are some rooms where there is more than one choice. This could be because the room is covered by more than one access area, or the room has access levels that have time-restrictions.
For the example above, this room has access that includes time restricted options:
The format Engineering is using to indicate a time restriction is to append the access level name with a name that indicates the time restriction. For the above example, the "0700-2100MF" is an indicator that the access level is restricted to 7am-9pm Monday-Friday. Trying to access the room outside those hours would result in a denied access at the door.
When approving a request, and you want the time restrictions on the person's access, select the approprate "key" that includes the desired time restriction.
Date Ranges for Card Access
The second option card access doors have is to be able to set a start/end date for the access. If you do not select anything, the default access to the space will be from the time the access is issued until the time someone goes and revokes the access (or the person's wiscard becomes invalid).
If for any reason you want to restrict the date range of the access, Click on the "change" for either the Start or Expiration line and set the date. Access to the room will include the Start date and last until 11:59pm on the date selected for expiration.