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CAE Account Renewal by type

This document shows what it takes to keep a CAE account active.

For most people, the CAE account will just continue to be valid as long as they meet our eligibility requirements. Student, faculty, and staff accounts are validated automatically using campus databases. Students must have an engineering major or be enrolled in an engineering course in order to qualify for an account. Faculty and staff must have an appointment within the College of Engineering (zero percent appointments count) to qualify for an account.  

We do have some special account types that require periodic validation for them to continue. The main reason we do the periodic account validation is to find out if the account is still needed. All other account types require some sort of active validation, usually once or twice a year. Notifications of this are sent via email.

The following table shows the various account types, and how the validation can be done. Some accounts can "self validate" by just logging in to the "My Account" page on the CAE Website. Others require that the "link id" owner of the account use the "My Account" page to validate the account. If an account is marked where it can't be self validated or the owner validated, then it must go through a CAE staff person to be marked valid.  For more information on renewing a collaborator account, see

Please note: Not all account types are in use, and some are getting phased out. 

Account Type  Requires Validation Can self validate Can owner validate Can owner reset password
Student  Spring/Fall No No No
System  Never No No No
Staff  Spring/Fall No No No
Faculty Spring/Fall No No No
Pseudo  Every Semester Yes Yes Yes
Other Every Semester No No No
Expire Every Semester No No No
CAE Student Employee  Spring/Fall No No No
Course Account Never No No No
CAE Unix Staff  Spring/Fall No No No
CAE NetWare Staff Spring/Fall No No No
CAE Hardware Staff Spring/Fall No No No
CAE Consulting Staff  Spring/Fall No No No
CAE Faculty Support Spring/Fall No No No
CAE Permanent Staff  Spring/Fall No No No
Network Computing Every Semester No No No
WEB Never No No No
Pseudo - Until Fall  Yes Yes No Yes
Registered Student Org Fall Yes Yes Yes
TEMP Account Not Applicable No No No
Email Only  Fall Yes Yes Yes
Windows Only Every Semester No No No
Unix Only Every Semester No No No
Tethered Only Every Semester No No No
Web Edit Only  Fall No Yes No
Moodle Only Every Semester No No No
Collaborator Only Fall No Yes No

Keywordssquid pseudo collaborator web-edit account types validation validate expiration expire   Doc ID27494
OwnerNoel K.GroupCAE
Created2012-11-28 15:42:49Updated2024-02-09 09:13:23
SitesComputer-Aided Engineering
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