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Flattening and Printing Documents with Charts and Embedded Graphics

A step by step guide to printing documents that have many charts and other embedded graphics.
Documents that contain numerous embedded graphics or charts will sometimes cause errors when printing, including excessive processing times or failure to print some (or all) pages. By following the below steps you can solve this issue.
  1. Save the document as a PDF from Microsoft Word:
    Select the Microsoft Print to PDF printer
    Make sure that you have Print to PDF selected. Then it will ask you where to save it, anywhere (Desktop, Documents) is good.

  2. Open Adobe Acrobat, you will need to sign in with your wisc email
    use your as the email address to sign into adobe acrobat while on CAE computers
  3. Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat, then click on File -> Print or hit CTRL+P to bring up the printer dialog box.

  4. Within the dialog, select your printer, then Click the Advanced button next to that dropdown (pictured below).

    The advanced button is to the right of the dropdown to select the printer.

  5. From this submenu, check the Print As Image box and hit OK. Change other settings as necessary, and hit Print.

    Select the Print As Image check box in the advanced tab to ensure the flattening occures.

    Your document should now go to the Print Release Queue.

Keywordssquid printing print trouble issues image graph table charts pdf flattened flattening pdf   Doc ID72166
OwnerNoel K.GroupCAE
Created2017-03-29 19:46:46Updated2023-11-06 12:51:18
SitesComputer-Aided Engineering
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