Topics Map > CAE Labs

CAE Labs: Hours and Holidays

A summary of CAE Helpdesk hours, lab hours, and holiday policies.

Due to the construction of the new Engineering building, the lab in 1410 Engineering Drive has been closed. The lab and CAE help desk has been relocated in the 1st floor of Wendt Commons. 

For Engineering building access information, please see 

CAE computer labs are open 24/7, but access to the buildings are restricted to Engineering faculty, staff and students after hours. See the link above for more information. Note that the hours at Wendt Commons, where the CAE help desk will be located, are restricted with no admittance during certain hours. In addition, Wendt Commons and the CAE help desk will be closed on Saturdays when the Badgers have home football games.

Information about the CAE Help Desk hours are available here: The CAE Help Desk is closed on all University holidays.

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Noel K. in CAE
Computer-Aided Engineering