Create an Onboarding Ticket

How to create an onboarding ticket.
  1. Navigate to the CALS IT Help Desk website.
  2. Under the Service Requests header select Employee Onboarding Request for CALS Administration.Location of Onboarding Option
  3. Begin reviewing and adding information about the onboarding request to the the form on the right hand side of the page.
    • Verify that the Site and Department fields match the incoming employee.
    • Fill in the Employee Name field and chose the relevant option from the Employee Type drop-down menu.
    • If this onboarding request has any special details, please add them to the optional Request Details field.
    • Add the employee's Estimated Start Date and Room Number
    • Select the incoming employee's requested Hardware from the drop down menu. 
      • If requesting a Laptop or Special Device add the requested additional details to the pop-up fields.
    • Add any necessary Required Software.
    • Provide orientation availability information for the new employee in the IT Orientation field.
    • If the new employee's role matches an existing role please use the Access Control field to provide the name of a current employee who's role matches (so that their access can be mimicked for the new employee).
      • If there is not a current role that matches the new employee's role please use the Access Control field to list any Service Accounts, Resource Accounts, and/or File Service Access the new employee will need.
  4. When you have finished reviewing and editing the form, click the blue Request Item button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.Request Item button location

onboard, onboarding, ticket 
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Owned by:
Heidi S. in College of Agricultural & Life Sciences
College of Agricultural & Life Sciences