CALS Student Center Reservations

How to create a CALS Student Center room reservation.

General Information

See this page for Student Center hours, building maps, and information about individual rooms.

Reserving a Student Center Room

  1. Navigate to the EMS reservation website.
    • Note: you may be prompted to login with your UW NetID and password.
  2. Click Create a Reservation using either the top left hand menu option or the Create a Reservation hyperlink in the center screen.
    • Location of Create Reservation
  3. Locate the CALS - Reserve a CALS Student Center Space row within the reservation options. Click Book Now.
    • Location of CALS option in list (3rd)
  4. Using the form on the left hand side of the page, enter a date and time for your reservation.
    • Location of Date and Time form (right hand side)
  5. Click on the arrow next to Let Me Search for a Room in the left-hand menu. 
    • letmesearch location (2nd down menu)
  6. Enter the Number of People for your reservation.
    • Note: you must enter a room capacity to view reservable rooms. If you enter fewer than 10 people, only M25Q and M25S will appear. If you enter more than 10 people, only 25H and 25J will appear.
  7. Click the green + symbol next to the room you would like to reserve.
    • Green + location
  8. Click Add Room on the resulting pop-up window.
  9. Click Next Step in the top right corner of the page.
    • Next Step at top right of page
  10. Fill out the 5 required fields to confirm your reservation: 
    • Event Name
    • Event Type (Note: meeting is the only option)
    • Group (leave as No Group)
    • 1st Contact Name
    • 2nd Contact Email Address
  11.  Click Create Reservation.
    • Location of both create reservation buttons at top right and center right

If you encounter any issues with the reservation process or have any questions, please contact CALS IT at

student center, reservation, CALS, ag hall 
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Owned by:
Heidi S. in College of Agricultural & Life Sciences
College of Agricultural & Life Sciences