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CALS Email Lists (Google Groups)

CALS IT maintains the below distribution lists for use by CALS Administration and CALS departments/centers for official university business:

CALS Lists used College-wide

CALS Lists used College-wide
List Name/Address Description Population Update Frequency Owner Restricted?
CALS Building Managers Building Managers of CALS sites Twice per year Dean's Office Yes
CALS Center/Program Administrators CALS Center & Program Administrators as identified by Dean's office for correspondence.  As needed Dean's Office No
CALS Center &
Program Directors
CALS Center & Program Directors as identified by Dean's office for correspondence. May not be an inclusive list. Automatically includes the dean's leadership team As needed Dean's Office No
CALS Center Directors & Administrators Contains both CALS Center Directors & Center/Program Administrators  As needed  Dean's Office No
CALS Department Chairs Academic Department Chairs. Automatically includes the dean's leadership team As needed Dean's Office No
CALS Department Administrators CALS Academic Department Administrators As needed HR No
CALS IT Staff IT staff in CALS Administration, Departments & Centers As needed CALS IT Office No
CALS Staff All Faculty & Staff in CALS (A07) (all appointment types except for SH) Daily/Monthly Administration No
CALS Departmental Payroll Coordinators CALS Dept Payroll Coordinators as defined by CALS HR. Automatically includes CALS HR staff. As needed CALS HR Yes
CALS Extension Faculty & Staff CALS Extension Faculty & Staff As needed Dean's Office No
CALS Accountants & Financial Specs Accountants, Financial Specialists, Univ Grants & Contract Specialists and other financial staff in CALS (A07)  Daily Business Services Yes
CALS Departmental Research Administrators Research Administrators in A07 As needed Research Division Pre-Award  Yes
eCALS Distribution list Parent distribution list for eCALS newsletter As needed Communications Program Yes
eCALS extras list Self-subscribing distribution list for the eCALS newsletter Self-subscribing Communications Program No

CALS Committees

List Name/Address Description Population Update Frequency Owner Restricted?
CALS Academic Planning Council Members APC Committee Members As needed Academic Affairs Yes
CALS CASI Committee Members CASI Committee Members As needed Dean's Office Yes
CALS Equity & Diversity Committee Announcement List Self-subscribing distribution list for EDC announcements/activities Self-subscribing Dean's Office Yes
CALS Equity & Diversity Committee Dept Diversity Reps CALS Diversity Representatives  As needed  Dean's Office Yes
CALS Equity & Diversity Committee Equity & Diversity Committee Members  As needed  Dean's Office  Yes
CALS Facilities Committee  CALS Facilities Committee members As needed  Dean's Office Yes
CALS Global Programs Committee  CALS Global Committee members  As needed  CALS Global Director  Yes

CALS Undergraduate and Graduate Program Lists

List Name/Address Description Population Update Frequency Owner Restricted?
CALS Undergrads Advisors Advisors of CALS Undergraduates as defined by SIS Daily Academic Affairs Yes CALS Faculty Instructors Appointment type = FA020, FA030, FA040, FA050 in CALS (A07) Daily Academic Affairs No CALS Staff Instructors Appointment type = TL020, TL022, TL024, TL025, TL026, TL027, TL031, TL055, TL056 in CALS (A07) Daily Academic Affairs No CALS Student Instructors Appointment type = SA004, SA011, SA012 in CALS (A07) Daily Academic Affairs No CALS All Instructors All Faculty, Staff, and Student Instructors Daily Academic Affairs No
CALS Graduate Program Directors All CALS Graduate Program Directors as identified in MyGradPortal Twice yearly Dean's Office No
CALS Graduate Program Coordinators All CALS Graduate Program Coordinators as identified in MyGradPortal Twice yearly Dean's Office No
CALS Graduate Students CALS Graduate Students as defined by SIS Daily Administration No
CALS Honors Students CALS Undergraduates in student group HALS Daily Academic Affairs Yes
CALS Undergraduates CALS Undergraduate students as defined by SIS Daily Academic Affairs Yes
CALS Academic Affairs Partner List CALS Advisors and other Advising Partners As needed Academic Affairs Yes

Ag Hall Occupants and CALS Administration Business Units Lists

List Name/Address Description Population Update Frequency Owner Restricted?
Ag Hall occupants Staff located in Ag Hall (bldg: 0070). Includes all staff populations including SH positions. 1st Monday of the month
Ag Hall second floor occupants CALS staff located in Ag Hall on the second floor (bldg: 0070). Includes Business Services, HR, IT, Research, and CALS Global staff As needed Administration No Ag Hall east first floor occupants CALS staff located in Ag Hall on the east side of the first floor.  Includes the Dean's Office and External Relations As needed Administration No  Ag Hall Room 240 occupants CALS staff located in Ag Hall, Room 240.  Includes Business Services, Research, and CALS Global staff As needed Administration No Ag Hall CALS Administration Staff CALS Administration Staff located on the 1st and 2nd floors of Ag Hall. The lists contains, , and As needed Administration No
CALS IT Customers College Admin staff and other customers supported by CALS IT As needed CALS IT Office No
CALS Business Services CALS Business Services staff As needed Administration No
CALS HR Assistants CALS HR Assistants as defined by Associate Dean - HR As needed CALS HR Yes
CALS HR Managers CALS HR managers as defined by Associate Dean - HR As needed CALS HR Yes
CALS HR All Staff CALS Associate Dean - HR, managers, assistants, student hourly staff As needed CALS HR Yes CALS IT Staff CALS IT Staff who report to the CALS IT Director As needed CALS IT Office No CALS Research Staff CALS Research Division staff As needed CALS IT Office No

ARS Lists

List Name/Address Description Population Update Frequency Owner Restricted?
CALS Faculty, Staff doing crop research at ARS facilities CALS faculty & staff using ARS facilities for crops. Population data per ARS Headquarters (Peters). Every 2-3 months ARS Headquarters (Peters) Yes
CALS Faculty & Staff users of ARS facilities CALS faculty & staff using ARS facilities. Population data per ARS Headquarters (Peters). Every 2-3 months ARS Headquarters (Peters) Yes
CALS ARS Office Managers  Office Managers at the CALS Ag Research Stations As needed  ARS Headquarters No
CALS ARS Superintendents Superintendents of the CALS Ag Research Stations As needed ARS Headquarters No

Lists for HRS Employee Class

List Name/Address Description Population Update Frequency Owner Restricted? CALS Supervisors and Managers CALS Supervisors and Managers As needed CALS HR No
CALS Academic Staff All AS appointments in CALS (A07)  Daily Administration No
CALS University Staff All University Staff Appointments (permanent, project, LTE) in CALS (A07) Daily Administration No
CALS Employees in Training Employees in Training (ET) Appointments Daily Administration No
CALS Faculty All CALS Faculty as determined by CALS Dean's Office Faculty Information System 1st Monday of the month Administration No
CALS Limited Appointments Appointment type = LI  in CALS (A07) Daily Administration No
CALS Other (OT) Appointments Excluding OT2 Appointment type = OT1, OT3, OT4 in CALS (A07) Daily Administration No
CALS Other (OT) Zero Dollar Appointments Appointment type = OT2 in CALS (A07) Daily Administration No
CALS Student Assistants Appointment Type = SA in CALS (A07) Daily Administration

List Usage

Click on the list email address from the table or copy/paste to your email client to generate a new message to the desired list. Once you hit "send message", the email will be distributed to all members of the list.

List Restrictions

Most lists are "moderated" which means that the list administrator(s) in CALS IT needs to "release" the sent email messages before the messages are distributed to the list members. This is done to avoid spam being automatically sent to the lists. In addition, there are a few lists designated as "restricted". Sending to these lists will require additional approval from the list owner since these designated lists have specific purposes.  All submissions to these lists must also follow  UW System Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy and may be subject to additional review before approval & release to the list is granted.

List Membership

If you are interested in a membership listing for any of the lists above, please send an email to with a brief explanation of intended use.  

KeywordsACS, CALS, address, wisclists, wisclist, google, group, google group   Doc ID15363
OwnerTom H.GroupCollege of Agricultural & Life Sciences
Created2010-10-21 19:00:00Updated2023-10-20 09:44:10
SitesCALS Academic Affairs, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences
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