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CALS Curriculum Committee Targeted Review Process: Guidelines for Recently Reviewed Courses

The CALS Curriculum Committee has created guidelines for a targeted course review process. This targeted review streamlines the CALS Curriculum Committee review process for courses that have been approved in the recent past.

Why is a targeted review necessary?

A targeted review facilitates the ability of departments to make minor changes to courses that have been approved in the past four academic years.

While the committee must review all courses thoroughly, the targeted review process provides an expedited pathway for courses that have been approved in the recent past.

What does a targeted review provide?

A targeted course review will differentiate between:

  1. Course content that has not changed after recent approval by all levels of governance
  2. Requested course content changes
  3. Course content requiring updates due to changes to college or campus requirements since previous approval

A targeted course review will focus on the specific change being requested, other parts of the course affected by the change, and elements that may require updates due to changes to college or campus requirements.

Which courses are eligible for a targeted review?

To be eligible for a targeted review a course must:

  1. Have been “previously approved” in the past four academic years.  Previously approved means approval by full committees at all levels of governance. This means courses that have gone through streamlined approval processes such as the course learning outcome (CLO) expedited project will not be considered “previously approved.”
  2. And the course change proposal addresses one of the following changes (if multiple changes are made the course will not be eligible for a targeted review):
    1. Course title
    2. Subject listing
    3. Course description
    4. Requisites
    5. Graduate attribute
    6. LAS credit/level, breadth attribute
    7. Adjusting learning outcomes related to programmatic accreditation, based on changes to accreditation standard

Note: While a targeted review will focus on specific changes made to courses and seek to honor decisions made by all levels of governance in the recent past, all courses must be reviewed holistically. Updates to university and college policy/guidance for course proposals may require revisions to the proposal that are outside of the scope of the specific change requested.

Approved by CALS Curriculum Committee: 2-28-23

Keywordscourse, courses, approved, governance. CALS Curriculum Committee, review, committee, Lumen, proposal, recent, recently, course change   Doc ID129947
OwnerDiana A.GroupCALS Academic Affairs
Created2023-07-25 14:07:28Updated2023-07-25 14:24:58
SitesCALS Academic Affairs
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