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Policy on Requesting an Extension to the Drop Deadline

This document explains what to do if the results of an exam that may affect a student's decision to drop a class will not be returned in time to make a good decision before the drop deadline.

If you will not be able to make a decision on dropping a course by the end of the 12th week of class, you should see your advisor prior to that date. Discuss your situation with your advisor. If your advisor agrees with your need to defer the decision on dropping a class until after the end of the 12th week, you should meet with a CALS Dean-on-Call to discuss your situation. The dean’s decision on how to proceed will be made on a case-by-case basis for each student. Any decision to allow a deferral for a drop must be made prior to the drop deadline and must have an advisor’s support. Otherwise, we will assume that you have had ample time to make a decision and we will not extend the deadline except under the most unusual cases and only for circumstances over which you have no control.

extension, late drop, after deadline 
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Diana A. in CALS Academic Affairs
CALS Academic Affairs