Request Driver Authorization
How to request Driver Authorization
Become an authorized driver
Steps to take for employees, students, or others with a NetID.
Please note: Vehicle Use Agreement (VUA) submissions requesting driver authorization take 10 business days for processing.
The following items must be prepared before you apply. Without these items, your Vehicle Use Agreement (VUA) will be rejected, and you will be required to reapply.
- Your NetID and password
- Your driver’s license number
- Your supervisor’s name and email address Ask your supervisor to check their VUA in the Fleet Management System to see what email they entered associated with their profile. Then use that email to search for them when entering your VUA.
- The UDDS code for your department – the UDDS code for PAS is UA074100
- Entry of the UDDS code requires you first select “UW MADISON” from the UW CAMPUS pick list. Then, click into the UW UDDS Code text box and type the letters UA followed by the six digits of your UDDS. Then click on the search icon, the drop down box will open and highlight your code. Click on the code to populate the field.
- Out-of-state license holders and drivers who have a WI license but were licensed in another US State, US territory, or Canada during the previous 24 months will need to upload a PDF copy of their out-of-state/prior driving abstract/driving record and a legible copy of their license (front only) via the portal (there are two upload buttons for this purpose in the Out of State section). The out-of-state driver record must be dated within 30 days of the VUA application.
- Note – When one scans the copies, rename the documents to MVR & DL respectively. Be sure to save as PDF format. Driving records may be obtained from the applicable Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) of the respective State. While we only require the non-certified copy, it is recommended to obtain records directly from respective State’s DMV as these may be less expensive and more complete than commercial record sites. Records from commercial sites and non-certified state copies are acceptable if all required details are provided, (driver’s identity, license number, license status, license effective/expiration dates, including their driving record with details on: traffic accidents, traffic violations, driver license suspensions, driver license revocations, driver license cancellations, etc.).
- Fees for obtaining one’s records are an allowable employment expense.
Register with the Department of Administration (DOA) Enterprise Fleet Management System (EFMS) if you have not already. Use the link below to launch the registration process:
Register with the DOA Enterprise Fleet Management System
You will get the following screen. Select UW from the dropdown menu and click logon:
From the next screen, select UW Madison from the dropdown menu and click logon
You should then have a screen that looks like this. You will want to select Vehicle Use Agreement from the New Fleet Driver box:
From the next screen, you will input your personal information as requested and submit the request.
Once the Vehicle Use Agreement process is completed, your record will be uploaded and reviewed against established driver authorization criteria by UW-Madison Risk Management Office.
Applicants and Supervisors will be notified of approval/denial within 10 business days via email.
Full Vehicle Use Agreement forms must be completed and submitted through the request system by each individual requesting, and has been directed and authorized by campus, to drive for university business. The purpose for driving must be for official University business as determined by campus Supervisor/Department/Unit.
Required criteria
The established driver authorization criteria at UW–Madison that one must meet includes:
- Must have a valid driver’s license. Note: per Wisconsin Law new residents to Wisconsin must obtain a WI driver’s license within 60 days of residence.
- Drivers from Other Countries: The only acceptable international driving permit/license is from Canada. Any driver who has an out-of-country license or permit (other than Canada) and is requesting approval to drive on University business must pursue a Wisconsin driver’s license within 60 days of establishing residency.
- Must have a minimum of two years licensed driving experience. International driving experience will be considered if evidence is provided.
- Must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
- Met all driving record standards. In summary authorization to drive University vehicles will be denied if a driving record reflects any of the following:
- Three or more moving violations and/or at-fault accidents in the past two years.
- Six or more points (Students/Volunteers).
- Seven or more points (Faculty/Staff or TE’s)
- Points are assessed according to Wisconsin Department of Transportation point system. Risk Management assesses points for two years from the violation/accident date. This includes out-of-state violations/accidents. PDF document listing the point value assessment
- An Operating While Intoxicated (OWI), Driving Under the Influence (DUI), or Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) violation within the past year,
- Reckless driving violation within past year,
- License has been reinstated for less than one year after revocation.
- In addition: out of state residents and drivers who have a WI license but were licensed in another US State, US territory, or Canada during the previous 24 months must submit a copy of their applicable out of State Driver’s License (WI license copies are not needed) and Driving Abstract from their respective state for evaluation by Risk Management. Fees for obtaining one’s out of state records are an allowable employment expense through the employee’s department.