News and Announcements

ARS Users: 2020 Worker Protection Standard Training Scheduled

Posted: 2020-03-05 08:50:29   Expiration: 2020-04-20 08:26:08

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-03-05 08:50:29. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) safety training for field pesticides has been scheduled for Agricultural Research Station users. A federal regulation requires that all UW faculty, staff, students or LTEs who will be doing field research receive this training once a year. The WPS is designed to reduce the risk of pesticide exposure and illness.

Please see below for a list of training sessions and registration information.

  • Location: Room 203, Animal Science Building (1675 Observatory Drive)
  • Note: Two training sessions will be offered each day.
    • Date/Time: May 20 from 9am-10am and 2pm-3pm
    • Date/Time: May 28 from 9am-10am and 2pm-3pm
  • Location: West Madison Agricultural Research Station Meeting Room (8502 Mineral Point Rd, Verona, WI)
    • Date/Time: June 17 from 9am-10am

To register for a session, complete the registration form and submit online at:


Other key points:

  • If you are a certified pesticide applicator, you are exempt from WPS training.
  • If you intend to apply restricted-use pesticides, you must be certified as a pesticide applicator. WPS training is not a substitute for applicator training.
  • These sessions are NOT designed for those who work in the greenhouses. For WPS greenhouse training, contact Lynn Hummel at Walnut Street Greenhouse (

If you have any questions or cannot attend any of the sessions, please contact Nick Genovese at 608-890-3894 or For additional registration information, please contact Jane Cahoon at 608-846-3750 (ext. 3) or

-- CALS Safety & Health Resources : Nick Genovese