To prevent being caught in a thunderstorm and exposed to lightning:
If weather reports and forecasts are calling for a thunderstorm and/or you hear thunder or see lightning, immediately seek shelter. NOAA recommends seeking out fully enclosed buildings with electrical wiring and plumbing. The interior wiring and plumbing will act as an earth ground. While sheltering from a thunderstorm, do not contact anything that can conduct electricity (e.g., electrical equipment or cords, plumbing fixtures, corded phones) and do not lean against concrete walls or floors (which may have metal bars inside). Remain in the shelter for at least 30 minutes after hearing the last sound of thunder.
To access training on how to safely prepare for thunderstorms, the dangers associated with thunderstorms, and what to do when these dangers are present, click on the link below.
CALS Severe Weather Safety Training: Thunderstorms
Additional Resources
OSHA Fact Sheet: Lightning Safety When Working Outdoors
CDC Natural Disasters and Severe Weather Webpage
OSHA Tornado Preparedness and Response Webpage
No. | Document Title | ID | Updated | Views |
1 | Severe Weather Safety and Training Resources | 103478 | 2020-06-30 | 740 |
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