Download data from Qualtrics

How to download data from a Qualtrics survey to a Excel document
  1. Login to Qualtrics
  2. Navigate to the survey you want to download
  3. From header select Data & Analysis

Data & Analysis tab

  1. Select Export Data from the drop down menu at the Export & Import button at the top, right of the page

export data

  1. In the Export Data dialog box select Export Data with Legacy Format


  1. At the Export Data Set dialog box select More Options at the lower left of the box

more options

  1. In the expanded Export Data Set dialog box navigate to the middle section, sections are separated by thin lines, and select Use choice text

choice text

  1. Download the file by selecting the green button on the lower right of the Export Data Set box

new hire survey, create contact list, emergency contact list, food allergy list 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Carol P. in OSTFE
Office of Student Transition & Family Engagement