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CHM HR - Entering Leave Reports (Exempt Employees)
Please view the Time & Absence Video
Faculty and Academic exempt staff are paid biweekly and are only required to report leave time taken.
The Employee Self-Service (ESS) feature is used to report leave time taken. Employees enter leave through their MyUW Portal. The best practice is to enter leave time as it is used. It is important to note that this is not a process for requesting time off. Employees should consult with their supervisor on expectations for requesting time off. If the employee has not taken any leave during a given month, the employee must submit an absence request for No Leave Taken (UNC).
An Academic staff employee will always complete a minimum of one leave entry per month. Legal Holidays will pre-populate for employees based on their FTE. Supervisors will approve leave time for their employees each biweekly pay period.
Please review the instructions below on How to Enter Absences:
- Go to and log into MY UW.
- Select Time and Absence.
- From the Time and Absence screen, select Request Absence if it isn't already selected.
- This will bring you to the Request Absence screen
- This will bring you to the Request Absence screen
- Select an Absence name from the drop-down list
- Enter the Start Date and End Date of the absence
- If the absence is for more than one day DURING THE SAME WEEK, i.e. Monday through Friday, enter a date range.
- DO NOT indicate a date range that includes weekend dates unless the weekend dates are part of your regularly scheduled work days. See examples below.
- Do not change the reason, this field is not used.
- Enter the number of hours taken in Hours Per Day using the following guide.
Hours Missed Leave Reported 0 to < 2 hours 0 hours 2 hours to 6 hours 4 hours > 6 hours 8 hours Full-time employees need to enter hours in four to eight increments, unless the leave is for an approved FMLA request, in which case they need to work with the CHM Payroll Coordinator - Lisa Wesley to process their leave time.
- Part-time employees leave can be in any increment. However, all leave will be rounded to the nearest quarter hours.
- The duration field will default to the total number of hours requested based on the hours per day and the date range.
- Click "Submit"
- Click "Yes"
Entering Another Absence Request
If the absence request is for vacation from Friday, January 12 to Friday, January 19, 20XX. the employee needs to enter TWO separate absence requests - one for each week.
- Start Date: Friday, 1/12/XX
- End Date: Friday, 1/12/XX
* Enter 8.0 hours in HOURS PER DAY
Then "CALCULATE END DATE OR DURATION." The total should show 8.0 hours of vacation requested. Then Submit.
- Start Date: Monday, 1/15/XX
- End Date: Friday, 1/19/XX
*Enter 8.0 hours in HOURS PER DAY
Then "CALCULATE END DATE OR DURATION." The total should show 8.0 hours of vacation requested. Then Submit.
If the employee submitted this request as ONE request, HRS would calculate 8 hours/day for EACH day (including weekends) - causing the employee to overuse intended leave.
If the absence request is for January 16 to January 19, 20XX, and the employee wants to use two different types of leave such as vacation and personal holiday, the employee will need to enter TWO absence requests - one for each type of leave.
- Vacation Start Date: 01/16/XX
- End Date: 01/17/XX
Enter 8.0 hours in HOURS PER DAY.
Then " CALCULATE END DATE OR DURATION." The total shows 16.0 hours of vacation requested. The Submit.
- Personal Holiday Start Date: 01/18/XX
- End Date: 01/19/XX
Enter 8.0 hours in HOURS PER DAY
Then "CALCULATE END DATE OR DURATION." Total shows 16.0 hours of personal holiday requested. Then submit.
*Legal holidays will automatically load based on your FTE. Employees do not need to enter legal holidays if the hours are correct.
- If employee is less than 1.0 FTE, the employee will receive a prorated amount based on FTE.
- If an employee needs to void or change the number of hours worked for a legal holiday, contact your payroll representative - Lisa Wesley.
- If there is a floating holiday that occurs in the fiscal year, select Legal Holiday (UNC) as the absence type when that floating holiday is used.
- If the employee has not taken any leave during a given month, the employee must submit an absence request for No Leave Taken (UNC).
- If employee does not enter a No Leave Taken absence take for a month in which no leave was used, the Leave Report will be considered “missing” for that month, which may result in Sick Leave Reduction.
- No Leave Taken is reported when no leave (such as vacation, personal holiday, and sick leave) was requested in a given calendar month.
- A new process allows for one-click reporting and provides employees with a complete view of the status of prior months’ submissions. The No Leave Taken reporting function can be found in MyUW by launching the “Time and Absence” app. Click on “No Leave Taken Reporting” to submit a report.
- Entry is based upon the calendar month, and must be entered for each month you are paid for working, the no leave entry should be entered before the 5th of the following month that just ended.
If you have multiple jobs, entering No Leave Taken will be recorded for all active jobs. WARNING: If you have multiple jobs and are using leave for one, enter the leave first before entering No Leave Taken. Submit No Leave Taken
1. Click the Time and Absence tile from the MyUW portal.
UW Madison: Employees can access the MyUW Madison portal at
2. Click the No Leave Taken Reporting tab.
3. Click the slider bar for the month No Leave Taken is being reported and it will change to Submitted.
NOTE: If an absence has already been entered for a month, the month will show Submitted.
4. To sign out, click the Actions menu in the upper right corner
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