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CHM Policies and Procedures - Research Professor Policies and Procedures
The Center for Healthy Minds (CHM) will adhere to guidelines set forth by the College of Letters & Science (L&S) for appointment and promotion on the Research Professor track.
In accordance with the above policies, CHM reiterates the points below. The term Research Professor, shall refer to all levels, unless stated otherwise.
Research Professor titles are academic staff titles and are not considered faculty appointments.
Research Professor titles are not tenure-track titles and does not confer added job security.
Holding a Research Professor title does not come with guaranteed funding other than the L&S requirement for 5% annually from non-sponsored sources.
If funding is not available to fully support the Research Professor, layoff and non-renewal policies and procedures for Academic Staff will apply.
Research Professor appointment is not intended to be a mechanism for recognizing outstanding performance by individuals in other academic staff positions, should not supplant current promotion or recognition systems that are in place (e.g., promotion in the Scientist track).
CHM interprets this to mean that appointment to a Research Professor title does not automatically confer a salary increase. Research Professors will be considered for salary adjustments, dependent upon available resources, at the same time as other CHM employees, such as during an annual salary exercise, or as warranted due to factors such as recent significant accomplishments, or the need for market or parity adjustments.
Research Professors may not be assigned regular classroom teaching responsibilities, although occasional classroom activities may be acceptable and should not exceed 50% at any given time. For the period in which short-term classroom teaching duties are assigned, an instructional title is required at an appropriate effort level, in addition to approval from the University Committee following the campus dual role policy.
Core vs. Affiliated Research Professors
The term “Core Research Professors” will refer to individuals appointed to the Research Professor title by CHM and according to the policies and procedures described below.
The term “Affiliate Research Professors” will refer to individuals with Research Professor appointments in other units. CHM will follow the same procedure for affiliation described in the CHM Faculty Affiliation Policy and Procedure.
CHM Benefits and Expectations for Core and Affiliated Research Professors
For Center governance or formal voting procedures involving faculty, Research Professors will contribute towards quorum and have the same voting rights as tenure-track faculty. In addition, any Center benefits and expectations afforded to tenure-track faculty will be granted to Research Professors.
May be limited by type of affiliation (see above) A = Affiliated, C = Core |
Benefits |
Expectations |
Approval process for policies and procedures on the appointment, annual review, and promotion review for Research Professors
The Center for Healthy Minds (CHM) policies and procedures regarding Research Professor appointment, review and promotion will be discussed, approved or amended by a majority of CHM Affiliate and Core faculty members, Professors of Practice and Research Professors. A quorum of at least 50% of the total Core professor membership is required for votes.
Appointment and Promotion Committees
CHM will form committees as needed. Committees will be appointed by the CHM Director and include at least two CHM Faculty members (Affiliate or Core), Professors of Practice, or Research Professors. Additional input may be sought and obtained from UW faculty or Research Professors who are subject matter experts outside of CHM. The committee will form recommendations by consensus.
Mentoring/Oversight committees
Mentoring/Oversight committees of at least 2 persons will be appointed by the CHM Director. The Director will also appoint a committee chair. Committees must include at least one CHM Affiliate or Core faculty and Research Professors, and may additionally include faculty or Research Professors external to CHM. A majority of the committee members must be tenured faculty, or for faculty in other tracks (e.g. CHS), or Research Professors, at the level of Associate, or above, as appropriate.
Research Assistant Professors will meet with their Mentoring/Oversight Committee at least twice per year. Research Associate Professors and Research Professors must meet annually with a Mentoring/Oversight Committee.
Annual Performance Review and Reappointment
The chair of the Mentoring/Oversight Committee will provide written performance reviews annually to the CHM Director with a copy to the CHM HR Generalist.
Appointment and Promotion Processes
Appointments and promotions will be made in accordance with the guidelines and criteria listed below.
As described above, the CHM Director will appoint Appointment and Promotion Committees as needed.
The Appointment and Promotions Committee will review the candidate’s CV, research statement, and letters of recommendation.
The committee will then prepare a written recommendation to the CHM Faculty and Research Professors which includes an assessment of:
the alignment of the candidate’s credentials with all of the criteria noted in this document for the desired rank of appointment
the relevance of the candidate’s research program to the research mission of CHM
identification of intramural and/or extramural funding sources for the candidate’s research.
The CHM Faculty and Professors will vote on the recommendation. Because CHM does not have an Executive Committee, any current CHM Affiliate or Core faculty member or Professors may participate in the discussion and voting process to make recommendations to L&S for appointments and promotion as long as a quorum of at least 50% of the total Core faculty and professors is met.
The CHM Director or Associate Director will forward approved requests for appointment or promotion to the Director of L&S HR for consideration by the L&S Research Professor Review Committee.
Guidelines on appointment and promotion dossiers
Research Assistant Professor:
Research Assistant Professors must have an earned research doctorate (PhD) or other terminal degree in their field and should demonstrate the criteria that follow:
An impressive emerging record of research products, and evidence of successful management and completion of stated objectives of previous research, beyond completion of a doctoral thesis.
Strong potential for independent scholarly development
Strong potential for continued acquisition of intramural and/or extramural funding as PI or Multiple PI (MPI).
Funding to support at least 50% of their salary and the associated, independent activities. This may include funding from co-investigator roles on collaborative projects developed as part of their independent program of research. CHM unrestricted funding does not meet this criterion.
A productive academic record of peer-reviewed publications as primary and/or senior author or other recognized and impactful contributions to the field
Evidence of participation in relevant academic or professional meetings
A track record, mindset, and training in ethical research practices
Research Associate Professor and Research Professor:
Research Associate Professors and Research Professors must have an earned research doctorate (PhD) or other terminal degree in their field and should demonstrate the criteria that follow:
An impressive, sustained record of impactful research products
National ( Research Associate Professor) or international (Research Professor) recognition within the candidate’s discipline
Successful, sustained management and completion of stated objectives of previous research
Strong history of leadership in sustained extramurally funded research as demonstrated by one of the following accomplishments:
successfully served at least twice as a Principal Investigator on nationally or internationally competitive research grants and/or research contracts carried out to completion. Competitive renewals meet the criteria for two grants. The two grant criteria can also be met by serving at least once as Principal Investigator AND at least once as Co-Principal Investigator, or
successfully served at least once as Principal Investigator on a nationally or internationally competitive research grant and/or research contract carried out to completion, having a duration of 5 years or more, or
secured and successfully administered at least 2 competitive externally funded research grants or research contracts carried out to completion that are not internationally or nationally competitive but which show compelling evidence of high achievement and recognition in his/her discipline.
A strong and productive academic record of peer-reviewed publications as primary and/or senior author or other recognized and impactful contributions to the field
Evidence of participation and leadership in relevant academic or professional meetings and societies
A track record, mindset, and training in ethical research practices
Credential Packet:
A credential packet must be developed to begin the consideration process for appointment to the Research Assistant Professor title.
The appointment/hire packet must include:
A letter from the department/unit Chair/Director that describes:
CHM faculty and professor vote (for, against, abstain);
alignment of the candidate’s credentials with all of the criteria noted in this document for the desired rank of appointment;
relevance of the candidate’s research program to the research mission of the department/unit;
identification of an intramural and/or extramural funding source for the candidate’s research;
identification of research space for the candidate’s research program;
commitment of the department/unit to provide at least 5% of the candidate’s salary to allow research proposal development effort, and a detailed plan confirming their financial responsibility to the Research Professor in the event that extramural research funding is not consistently sustained and/or if bridge funding mechanisms are necessary to cover program costs
The candidate’s CV
One-page research statement from the candidate
Three letters of recommendation solicited by the candidate
A credential packet must be developed to begin the consideration process for appointment or promotion to the Research Associate Professor or Research Professor title. The appointment/promotion dossier must include:
A letter from the department/unit Chair/Director that describes:
CHM faculty and professor vote (for, against, abstain);
alignment of the candidate’s credentials with all of the criteria noted in this document for the desired rank of appointment;
an analysis of the candidate’s research impact and productivity,
dates of appointment at the Assistant or Associate title;
the importance of the research program to the department/unit research mission, and collaboration with others, if any;
identification of research space for the candidate’s research program, if new hire;
commitment of the department/unit to provide at least 5% of the candidate’s salary to allow research proposal development effort, and a detailed plan confirming their financial responsibility to the Research Professor in the event that extramural research funding is not consistently sustained and/or if bridge funding mechanisms are necessary to cover program costs;
Curriculum vitae: The candidate should include a summary statement noting contributions made since the initial appointment or prior promotion;
Research Statement: A 2-page statement by the candidate that describes and highlights the impact and significance of her/his research program;
Letters of Evaluation: The CHM Director should request all letters. Four to six letters of evaluation must be obtained from national or international leaders in the candidate’s research specialty area that address the scope and quality of the candidate’s scholarly productivity and impact. At least half of these letters must be “arm’s-length,” in that the letter writer has no significant relationship or prior collaboration with the candidate, and no interest in the outcome of the pending appointment/promotion. Please include a copy of the letter or email used to request letters of evaluation. All solicited evaluation letters received must be included in the candidate’s dossier.
Reviewer Table: Include a table of all reviewers solicited for letters of evaluation. Identify reviewers by whether letters were received, declined, or if no response was received to the request. Include the name, rank, and title of each solicited reviewer, the name of his/her institution and department, and a brief description of why the reviewer was solicited and his/her stature in the field. Indicate if the reviewer is designated as arm’s length. If the solicited reviewer declined, please provide the reason given. 5) Examples of research products such as articles, software, etc., may be included with the dossier.
Research Space
All Research Professor levels will have full access to the joint research space and consultation with Research Support Core (RSC) services available through CHM. This joint research space is ample. The Research Support Core provides computing and research design expertise. Additionally, there is a pool of trained research staff at CHM. Access to these joint resources facilitates independent research program development by mitigating the necessity of each investigator building independent lab facilities. Individuals on the Research Professor track will have access to these resources commensurate with CHM Core faculty members. The RSC will provide free consultation with investigators on proposal development. However, all CHM Investigators are expected to include adequate funding for research and RSC staff time in their grants for project implementation.
Related Policy and Guidelines:
Approved by CHM faculty on April 10, 2023
Approved by the College of Letters and Science on May 12, 2023
Revisions accepted by CHM faculty on November 14, 2024 and L&S on 12/10/24