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CHM Facilities - Kennedy Building

A summary of the Kennedy Building facilities, nearby amenities, and history.

About the Space

Located at 625 W. Washington Ave., Madison WI 53703, the Kennedy Dairy Building is the primary home for CHM, as of Spring 2017. It will serve as CHM's primary home for at least several years.

Building dimensions/square footage

  • Total square footage: 27,556 sq ft
  • Data Collection space (Rooms 164-175): 1,722.21 sq ft (Meditation Room 175 alone is 905 sq ft)
  • Meeting Room Space: 4,132.39 sq ft
  • Office Space: 21,701.4 sq ft
  • Kennedy Exterior Door Sizes

UW Building Site Number


Picture of the top of the building with its name.
Kennedy Dairy Head Stones (Kyle Sweet: Abovepix)

Aerial photo of the Kennedy Building looking South East.
Aerial View of Kennedy Building (Kyle Sweet- Abovepix)

Building Maps

1st floor Kennedy

2nd floor Kennedy

Map to Large Gathering Room (with symbols)

Outside Groups Using Kennedy Space

If you are interested in hosting a group or activity at The Kennedy Building for a group from outside the University or for a purpose that is not directly related to CHM business please speak with Brendon beforehand to learn about guidelines you need to follow or approvals that need to be received.

Large Gathering Room & Meditation Room

The Large Gathering Room is where weekly Lab Meetings and other larger meetings and events are held. The standard set up seats 75, but we have enough chairs to accommodate 100. This room must be reserved and approved for use.

Learn more on the Meditation Room.

Map to Large Gathering Room (with symbols)

Community Computers

We have plenty of touchdown work space for folks who do not have assigned workstations at Kennedy.

Community Computers and monitors are located within work-groups throughout Kennedy, as well as at tables in open work areas on both floors.

Look for the little brain signs that say "Community Computers!"

The maps above show the locations of unassigned/touchdown computers and monitors around the building.

Shower Use Guidelines

  • The shower/bathroom is used by many folks, including study participants and Kennedy visitors. We want it to look neat and professional for them.
  • It's up to us to keep it clean and neat. Custodial staff clean the floors, toilet and sink, but everything else is ours to take care of.
  • Don't leave your towel and/or hanger on the hooks overnight. The hooks are for drying, not for storage.
  • Don't leave ANY personal belongings in the shower or bathroom, including shampoo / body wash / soap / rubber duckies, etc.
  • Put the shower curtain back on its hook and the shower mat back hanging on the fold-down seat when done.
  • Please use the mop to wipe up any puddles. Safety first!

Any towels still in the shower room after a month will be donated to a local pet rescue organization.

Any soaps, shampoos, etc. still in the shower room after a month will be thrown away.Map to Private Bathroom at Kennedy.

Desk Assignments

If you have questions about your workstation location, please contact Brendon Panke (

There are 118 workstations at Kennedy.

Phones (and Shared Phones)

Please see VoIP Phones for information on all phones at Kennedy.

Room and Parking Reservations

Room and parking reservation page on CHM KB.


Catalogue of the books on the shelves at Kennedy.

Nearby Stores And Eateries

Non-exhaustive List

  • 'Up' indicates up (northeast along) West Washingon Ave. towards the Capitol. 'Down' indicates away from the Capitol along W Wash.
  • CVS is quite close, just 2 buildings up W Wash if you will need prescriptions filled or to pick up convenience items.
  • The City Station strip mall is just down W Wash and across the street. It hosts:
  • Old Train Depot
  • Also within a block or two, a couple of options for burgers and subs:
  • And an Indian restaurant with a buffet just a few blocks up W Wash at Broom (in the first floor of the Metropolitan Apartments building):

Getting To Kennedy

By Bus

  • Madison Metro Transit suggests you use the public transit option on Google Maps.
  • You can find a full list of routes and stops on Madison Metro Transit's website.


History of the Kennedy Dairy Building

The Kennedy Dairy building was constructed in 1923 for $300,000, and was the headquarters of the Kennedy Dairy, the largest dairy in Madison. There was a grand opening and public viewing on November 20, 1923, so the building's 100th birthday will be in November 2023. Dairy operations included ice-making on the second floor, pasteurization and bottling in the basement, and packing and wagon-lading on the ground floor.

Kennedy Dairy was purchased by Borden in 1928 along with the competing Mansfield-Caughey Dairy, but continued to operate under its own name. The Kennedy and Mansfield divisions were merged into Kennedy-Mansfield in 1933.

Wisconsin Historical Society picture of the building with full complement of horse-drawn milk wagons

Wisconsin Historical Society picture of a Kennedy-Mansfield milk wagon making a special stop

Video clip of artists painting the brick pillar at the entrance of the building. Can you tell which one is the original? 

Kennedy Dairy glass bottle on a white background. The logo shows a man looking into a microscope.

UW Building Site Number, Maps, Community Computers, Shower, Desk, Bookshelves, Community Groups, Outside use of space, outside 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Brendon P. in Center for Healthy Minds
Center for Healthy Minds