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Module 2 - Getting going with Community Teams, Part I

Module 2 from Coaching Training Deck 6-oct-2015
In this module you will begin the process of creating community teams in Salesforce. Specifically, you will learn:
  • How to create a community account
  • How to create an organization account
  • How to link organizations to a communities

Relationship Framework

Remember the 3 primary components of Salesforce for CHR&R

 Community Account
Dane County, WI
<--->Organization Account
Public Health Madison & Dane County

Step by Step Guide

Create a Community Account

  1. Search for community name in Salesforce
  2. If it doesn’t exist, create new Community Account
  3. Enter in required information: Place, State abbreviation
  4. Select “New Role” once Community has been created
  5. Assign a role for the Community
[four screenshots for the steps above]

Notes about roles

  • Users can add one new role or many using Save, or Save & New
    • Conveniently allows entry of one role after another, without returning to the bank between creation of each record
  • Roles are Active when created but can be deactivated when no longer applicable

Create an Organization Account

  1. Search for Organization name in Salesforce
  2. If it doesn’t exist, create new Organization Account 
  3. Enter in required information: correct name, etc.
[two screenshots of creating an Organization account]


  • Be sure to select the proper record type for the type of Account you are creating
  • The fields that are available for completion will be dependent on selecting the proper record type
  • Pay attention to the fields that are required to save the record
  • Fill out all the information you have available. More information makes the record useful to users in the system!

Link Organizations and Community

  1. First, within an organization, choose New Organization Community” 
  2. Then, lookup the community in which the Organization is located. Click Save.
  3. If the community does not yet exist, you will need to create it before you can make this relationship.
  4. You can also link to the Organization from the Community record.
  5. This relationship is a special record known as a 'junction record'. 
    1. A junction record allows many-to-many relationships.  For example organizations can be within multiple communities and communities can contain multiple organizations
    2. We use junction records in many ways to build a complex network of relationships.

salesforce, training, community 
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Owned by:
James L. in chrrptech
CHR&R Program Technologies