Elvehjem L150 / L140 Quick Reference Guide

How to operate the projector and sound system in L150/L140

Reference images for button panel and microphones

System Power

To turn on the system press the Power button or select a source - Laptop or DVD. Press the Power button again to turn the system off.

Volume Control

Select either Source Vol or Mic Vol and then turn the Volume to adjust volume for the selection. You can also mute the source by pressing the Mute button.


To connect a laptop, use the provided HDMI connection and press the Laptop source button.


Select the DVD source and then use the Blu-Ray/DVD Controls to control the Blu-Ray player.

Wireless Mic

Flip the On/Off switch to turn the wireless microphone on/off. The light will be green when the mic is on. The light will be off when the microphone is off. The wireless microphones feature rechargeable batteries and should be returned to the Charging Base when not in use. Only one microphone can be used at a time.

Before you Leave

  • All classrooms should be locked when you are done teaching unless there is a class immediately following yours.  If you aren't sure if a class is following yours please lock the classroom.
  • Please turn off all projectors as soon as your class is done.
  • Please turn off all lights in the classroom.
  • Please turn off all microphone battery packs.

Need Technical Support?

  • Please contact the Communication Arts Instructional Media Center
  • Phone:  608-263-6664
  • Email:  imc@commarts.wisc.edu
  • Support Hours:  8:00AM - 6:00PM Monday-Friday

Keywordselvehjem, support, tech, remote, projector, hdmi, volume, input, mic, bodypack, wireless, audio   Doc ID114017
OwnerKen S.GroupCommArts IMC
Created2021-09-29 12:38:01Updated2024-05-01 09:19:55
SitesCommArts Instructional Media Center
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