News and Announcements

Total: 3324   Displaying: 1861 - 1880 
News item list
1861Bucky Backup Emergency Outage May 8th - 2-4pm2008-05-08 07:41:292008-05-08 14:00:57
1862Instructors: Remember to ACTIVATE your course for student access!2008-05-06 07:07:062009-09-09 20:00:00
1863Instructors: 5 Easy Ways to Use Learn@UW2008-05-06 06:53:242008-09-12 14:00:00
1864Hyperion Foundation Update Requires Installation of Updated Plug-in2008-05-05 05:46:202008-05-09 11:50:57
1865Bucky Backup Outage May 5, 1:00PM - 3:00PM2008-05-02 12:39:462008-05-05 21:00:50
1866Computer Sciences Unit II power outage2008-04-26 09:51:132008-04-28 06:30:40
1867Instructors: Fall courses now available in Learn@UW2008-04-25 07:34:422008-05-02 07:15:37
1868UPDATE: Learn@UW morning performance problem resolved (4/18/08 1:35pm)2008-04-18 06:27:532008-04-18 11:30:00
1869Learn@UW Running Slowly - April 18, 20082008-04-18 05:33:062008-04-18 07:13:48
1870SERVICE ALERT: Current Learn@UW login problem RESOLVED (1:07pm 4/17/08)2008-04-17 10:00:102008-04-17 11:09:36
1871Learn@UW/D2L Service Issue Resolved (04/18/08)2008-04-17 09:50:472008-04-19 13:00:00
1872Learn@UW upgrade scheduled for Memorial Day weekend2008-04-16 12:15:352008-05-12 06:59:17
1873Learn@UW/D2L - Service Outage2008-04-11 09:31:472008-04-11 21:00:00
1874SERVICE ALERT: Current Learn@UW problem resolved (1:46pm 4/11/08)2008-04-11 09:30:592008-04-11 11:15:00
1875Instructors: Summer '08 courses now in Learn@UW2008-04-09 10:48:422008-04-15 06:00:00
1876Help Desk LiveChat Service will be available 7 days a week!2008-04-03 07:47:352008-04-14 17:00:00
1877New: "RefWorks" link now available for your Learn@UW course2008-03-26 08:38:362008-04-07 04:00:00
1878Learn@UW service update: Quiz errors fixed2008-03-26 07:03:202008-03-26 13:00:00
1879Update: Quiz errors may continue2008-03-24 17:55:212008-03-25 14:00:00
1880Current Learn@UW login problems2008-03-24 06:27:592008-03-24 17:00:00
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