News and Announcements

WISC to offer Adobe products to UW System Dept.

Posted: 2001-09-26 10:27:34   Expiration: 2001-09-26 10:27:34

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-09-26 10:27:34. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

UW System recently negotiated an agreement for Adobe's new volume-licensing program for departments. Adobe handling information can be found in document 766.

UW System recently negotiated a master agreement on behalf of all System Schools for Adobe's new volume-licensing program called the CLP (Contractual Licensing Program). This program is for departments only (not students) and offers departments a large purchase discount and options to purchase maintenance to provide upgrade protection for a two-year period.

The Wisconsin Integrated Software Catalog (WISC) will be serving as the fulfillment agent for this contract and will authenticate WISC buyers eligible to purchase, process orders, manage the product distribution, and track licenses to meet the CLP reporting responsibilities.

The WISC/Adobe initiative is scheduled to begin the week of September 16th and initially we will only be accepting procurement cards for payment. We expect to be able to offer DoIT counter sales by the end of the month and will accept requisitions and purchase orders at that time as well.

Orders will include a $20.00 per-order transaction fee. The fee will be the same regardless of the number of licenses on an order. It will cover the administrative cost of distributing Adobe products via the WISC site. Product hardware/software specifications, product overviews, Adobe licensing definitions, ordering instructions, and pricing will be available on WISC.

The campus help desks currently supporting Adobe products will continue their traditional support models. For those campuses not supporting Adobe products, Adobe offers a searchable knowledgebase, technical guides, user forums, and "Adobe Support Exchange" at their "Customer First Support" web page at

We will start selling Adobe products some time after September 16, 2001 - continue to check your WISC departmental products page. You can shop online 24 hours a day. For complete details on eligibility and ordering procedures, see the WISC site at

-- Judy Brickner